Middle East

The Olive Ridley Turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, in the Persian Gulf: A Review of the Observations, Including the First Nesting of the Species in the Area

In total, there are 11 confirmed records of the olive ridley turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, from the Persian Gulf through June 2015, including 9 and 2 records from northern and southern coasts of the Gulf, respectively. Furthermore, on 16 May 2013, nesting was recorded from Nayband Marine-Coastal National Park, which is the first record of olive ridley nesting in the Gulf and is also the most northerly nesting account for the species in the Western Indian Ocean. Although few, these records suggest that the species lives and reproduces in the Persian Gulf.

14 September 2018

The Olive Ridley Turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, in the Persian Gulf: A Review of the Observations, Including the First Nesting of the Species in the Area

In total, there are 11 confirmed records of the olive ridley turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, from the Persian Gulf through June 2015, including 9 and 2 records from northern and southern coasts of the Gulf, respectively. Furthermore, on 16 May 2013, nesting was recorded from Nayband Marine-Coastal National Park, which is the first record of olive ridley nesting in the Gulf and is also the most northerly nesting account for the species in the Western Indian Ocean. Although few, these records suggest that the species lives and reproduces in the Persian Gulf.

14 September 2018

Multi-species Action Plan to Conserve African-Eurasian Vultures (Vulture MsAP) - CMS Technical Series No.35/Raptors MOU Technical Publication No.5

CMS Technical Series No.35
CMS Raptors MOU Technical Publication No.5

Vultures are a distinctive and important components of biodiversity. They also provide critical ecosystem services by cleaning up carcasses and other organic waste in the environment, which has huge ramifications in preventing the spread of diseases in both wild and domestic animals, and pathogenic risks to humans.

09 February 2023

Saker Falcon Falco cherrug Global Action Plan (SakerGAP)

Including a management and monitoring system to conserve the species

CMS Raptors MOU Technical Publication No.2

CMS Technical Series No.31

29 January 2020