This page provides an overview of relevant resources provided by others. Suggestions for additional rescources to link here can be sent to [email protected].


  • Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter -
    "The Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter was initiated to provide a forum for exchange of information on sea turtle biology and conservation, management and education and awareness activities in the Indian subcontinent, Indian Ocean region, and South/Southeast Asia. The newsletter also intends to cover related aspects such as coastal zone management, fisheries and marine biology."
  • African Sea Turtle Newsletter
    "The African Sea Turtle Newsletter (ASTN) is a free, bi-annual electronic publication about the biology and conservation of sea turtles in Africa, and the stories of people who work with sea turtles on this vast and diverse continent and its offshore islands.
    Contributions can range from original scientific papers and natural history observations to opinions, anecdotes, local myths and beliefs, field experiences, workshops, education and awareness, and announcements."
  • Marine Turtle Newsletter
    "The Marine Turtle Newsletter is published quarterly (January, April, July, October) and distributed free of charge to over 110 nations and territories. Started two decades ago, it remains the only periodical of its kind. Throughout the world, scientists and non-scientists alike rely on this humble but highly acclaimed publication for timely information concerning the biology, conservation, management, legal status and survival prospects of all species of endangered and threatened sea turtles."
  • IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group Research and Management Techniques for the Conservation of Sea Turtles
    "This manual seeks to address the need for standard guidelines and criteria, while at the same time acknowledging a growing constituency of field workers and policy-makers seeking guidance with regard to when and why to invoke one management option over another, how to effectively implement the chosen option, and how to evaluate success."
  • "TurtleNet" Online Atlas of Turtle Nesting Distribution Abundance and Migration
    Users can call up maps of nesting distribution and abundance by species based on tagging and nesting census studies and migration between breeding and foraging areas based on flipper tag data, and breeding migration based on satellite telemetry. 
  • IUCN Regional Reports
    In 2017 the Marine Turtle Specialist Group (MTSG) of the IUCN-Species Survival Commission launched a regional reporting initiative that aims to harness the collective power of its global expert members to compile and summarize the most relevant data for conservation of sea turtles in each of the 10 MTSG regions and their respective marine turtle Regional Management Units (RMUs). Regional reports are annual publications that summarize all known published data and pertinent unpublished data (at the authors’ discretion) for every country and region in which sea turtles occur. You can access the report page here.
  • SWOT Reports
    "The State of the World's Sea Turtles—SWOT Report is a unique publication that brings sea turtles into the hearts and minds of people around the world. Published annually since 2006, the rich educational content that fills each volume is generated by our extensive network of partners—the SWOT Team—and is designed to harness the group’s collective power by highlighting their success stories, innovations, and new findings. Each year, SWOT Report is distributed back to the SWOT Team members who helped create it, free of charge, for use in their own local outreach campaigns in communities where sea turtles nest, forage, and migrate."
  • e-Learning Platform of the Olive Ridley Project
    "Education is a powerful tool to increase awareness, engage people and stimulate action. It is a big part of ORP’s mission and an important aspect of our multifaceted approach to protecting sea turtles and their habitats. On our e-learning platform you will find courses and resources, both for sea turtle lovers in general and for the more science minded, about everything sea turtles. It is our wish that this free knowledge sharing hub will become an important environmental education resource to help guide aspiring young scientists and supplement existing educational tools for remote learning and school projects."