Your Contribution to Future Newsletters

Below you will find a selection of marine turtle conservation news from the Secretariat, the AC and IOSEA MOU partners in the region.

If you would like your projects and activities relating to marine turtle conservation in the Indian Ocean South-East Asia region featured, please send us a brief text (preferably between 200 and 800 words), with at least one related high-quality picture in landscape format that we are allowed to publish, any relevant links, and the name and/or the organization of the author. If possible, your submission should be in English. If needed, however, the Secretariat can help with translating from French. 

We publish on the website regularly and plan to be sending the newsletter periodically and thus input is welcome at any time. What you highlight in your submission could be a description of your recent or current activities related to the objectives of the IOSEA Marine Turtle MOU, announcements relevant for marine turtle conservation in the IOSEA region, or any results you wish to share with the IOSEA community, including the Signatory States.

Last updated on 19 May 2021