Other meetings

Title Start date Country CMS Instrument
5th Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) 06.05.2025 IOSEA Marine Turtles
10th Meeting of the Advisory Committee 31.03.2024 Thailand IOSEA Marine Turtles
4th Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) 07.03.2023 Maldives IOSEA Marine Turtles
10th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 14.10.2022 South Africa IOSEA Marine Turtles
Range State Meetings on the Single Species Action Plan for the Hawksbill Turtle in South-East Asia and the Western Pacific 10.05.2022 CMS, IOSEA Marine Turtles
Assessment of the Conservation Status of Hawksbill Turtles in the IOSEA Region – Launch of Publication and Introduction to TurtleNet 25.03.2022 IOSEA Marine Turtles
3rd Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) 13.12.2021 IOSEA Marine Turtles
1st Sub-Regional Meeting North-Western Indian Ocean 29.11.2021 IOSEA Marine Turtles
9th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 23.03.2021 IOSEA Marine Turtles
9th Meeting of the Advisory Committee 15.03.2021 IOSEA Marine Turtles
8th Meeting of the Advisory Committee 16.10.2019 Viet Nam IOSEA Marine Turtles
8th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 05.07.2019 Mauritius IOSEA Marine Turtles
2nd Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) 29.01.2018 Sri Lanka IOSEA Marine Turtles
7th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 02.11.2017 United Republic of Tanzania IOSEA Marine Turtles
Regional capacity building workshop to support progress on the implementation of the Regional Observer Scheme of IOTC (Resolution 11/04): Oman, I.R. Iran and Pakistan 18.10.2015 Oman ACAP, CMS, Dugong, IOSEA Marine Turtles
1st Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) 11.10.2015 Maldives IOSEA Marine Turtles
6th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 07.09.2014 Germany IOSEA Marine Turtles
7th Meeting of the IOSEA Advisory Committee 05.09.2014 Germany IOSEA Marine Turtles
5th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 28.10.2013 Mozambique IOSEA Marine Turtles
4th Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 04.12.2012 South Africa IOSEA Marine Turtles
6th Meeting of the IOSEA Advisory Committee 21.01.2012 Thailand IOSEA Marine Turtles
2nd Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 23.08.2009 France IOSEA Marine Turtles
5th Meeting of the IOSEA Advisory Committee 18.08.2008 Indonesia IOSEA Marine Turtles
1st Meeting of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) 27.02.2008 United Republic of Tanzania IOSEA Marine Turtles
4th Meeting of the IOSEA Advisory Committee 11.03.2006 Oman IOSEA Marine Turtles