1st Meeting of the Intergovernmental Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean (MIKT 1)


© Holger Schulz

Bird trapped in a net © Holger Schulz

The First Meeting of the Intergovernmental Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean (MIKT) will take place in Cairo (Egypt) from 12 to 15 July 2016. The establishment of this Task Force is based on Resolution 11.16 on the Prevention of the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS, which took place from 4 to 9 November 2014 in Quito, Ecuador.

The Resolution recognizes illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds as a global problem, but focusses on the Mediterranean as a region where this activity is especially acute and needs a proactive approach to find solutions that can help to prevent or minimize it. To this end, this Task Force will focus on the implementation of existing guidelines and action plans, in particular the Tunis Action Plan adopted under the framework of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention).

The Task Force is convened in conjunction with the Secretariats of AEWA, the Raptors MOU Coordinating Unit and the African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP).

The first meeting of the Task Force will gather governmental representatives of CMS Parties around the Mediterranean, including the European Union and other interested Parties. In addition, representatives from Non-CMS Parties as well as relevant international organizations and networks will also be invited as observers. The main objective of the meeting will be to adopt a Programme of Work for the Task Force until 2020, identifying the main activities and regional priorities, and to discuss practical initiatives and projects targeting hotspots to be implemented in parallel.

Online Pre-registration


The European Union was recognized as Champion Plus for their generous support and commitment towards addressing Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean for the period 2018 - 2023. This activity has been funded with the contribution granted by the European Commission under the Migratory Species Champion Programme and through the Global Public Goods and Challenges (GPGC Programme) Cooperation Agreements with UNEP.

12 Jul 2016 to 15 Jul 2016
OrganizadorUNEP/CMS Secretariat
Instrumento de la CMSCMS
TipoTechnical Meeting

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Número Título Archivos
Case Study of Algeria - Mr. Mohamed Hadjeloum
CITES and ICCWC - Mr. Edward Van Asch
Collaboration between NGOs and law enforcement agencies: the experience of CABS - Mr. Andrea Rutigliano
Contribution of IWC on IKB - Ms. Laura Dami & Hichem Azafzaf
EU Roadmap towards eliminating IKB & update on EU Action Plan on Wildlife Trafficking - Ms. Marita Arvela
European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment - Mr. Angus Innes
Introduction to UNEP-CMS Resl. 11.16 - Ms. Carmen Naves
Preventing IKB in the Mediterranean: IUCN Activities in the Region - Ms. Catherine Numa Valdez
RACSPA bird Action Plan - Ms. Lobna Ben Nakhla
Reducing Illegal Trapping of Migrating Birds in Northern Egypt - Mr. Waheel Salama Hamied
Review of Egypt’s National Laws, Regulations, and Adequacy of Enforcement - Mr. Noor Noor
Review of the scale and extend of IKB in the Mediterranean - Ms. Nicola Crockford
The case of implementation of the Tunis Action Plan in Malta - Mr. Sergey Golovkin
The situation of IKB of raptors in the Mediterranean - Mr. Nick Williams
A best practice guide for monitoring IKB - Ms. Nicola Crockford
Update from Bern Convention - Mr. Sergey Golovkin
A perspective from FACE - Mr. David Scallan
Bird Hunting along the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt: Socioeconomic Study - Mr. Noor Noor
Descargue todos los archivos de esta sección en
Número Título Archivos
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.1 Rules of Procedure
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.2 List of members of the Intergovernmental Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.4 UNEP/CMS Resolution 11.16
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.1a The Killing
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.1b Preliminary Assessment of the Scope and Scale of Illegal Killing and Taking of Birds in the Mediterranean
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.1c Report: Assesing the Scope of the Illegal Killing of Birds in the Mediterranean
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.2 Recommendation No. 164 (2013) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 6 December 2013, on the Implementation of the Tunis Action Plan 2013-2020 for the Eradication of Illegal Killing, Trapping and Trade of Wild Birds
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.2.a Report of the 3rd Meeting of the Special Focal Points for Illegal Killing of Birds of the Bern Convention
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.3a EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.3b Roadmap towards Eliminating Illegal Killing, Trapping and Trade of Birds
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.4.a The Rise of Environmental Crime: a UNEP-INTERPOL Rapid Response Assessment
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.5.4b Study on the Implementation of Directive 20087997ec on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.12 Plan of Action to Address Bird Trapping Along the Mediterranean Coasts of Egypt and Libya
UNEP/CMS/MIKT1/Inf.12 Plan of Action to Address Bird Trapping Along the Mediterranean Coasts of Egypt and Libya