The First South Asia Sub-regional Workshop of UNEP/CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range in South Asia, held in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6-7 June 2011.
Workshop Main Objectives were to:
- Bring South-Asian Range States together to develop a focused conservation approach of dugongs
- Highlight the involvement of local communities in the conservation of dugongs
- Encouraging the Governments of Bagladesj, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to sign the Dugong MoU
Workshop Main Outcomes:
- Agreement to the development and delivery of a practical and resource-efficient strategy to collaborate in, and implement regional conservation and management initiatives for the conservation of dugongs and their habitats
- Communication among participating countries and organisations, including UNEP/CMS enhanced so that issues, opportunities and management interventions related to the transboundary conservation of dugongs and their habitats can be addressed in a collaborative, effective and timely manner
- With guidance from UNEP/CMS, financial and technological resources to support the implementation of the Workshop's outcomes individually and collectively identified