Central Asian Mammals Initiative |
Range State Meeting on the Implementation and Revision of the International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali (Ovis ammon) |
12.09.2024 |
Kazakhstan |
Bukhara Deer, Central Asian Mammals Initiative, CMS |
Third Meeting of the Signatories to the Bukhara Deer MOU (MOS3) |
10.09.2024 |
Kazakhstan |
Birds of Prey (Raptors) |
Eighth Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group to the Raptors MOU (TAG8) |
10.09.2024 |
Workshop on National Action Plans on the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds |
02.09.2024 |
Montenegro |
IOSEA Marine Turtles |
9th Meeting of the Signatory States |
24.06.2024 |
United Republic of Tanzania |
Birds of Prey (Raptors) |
13th Meeting of the Saker Falcon Task Force |
29.05.2024 |
Seventh Meeting of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Energy Task Force (ETF) |
24.04.2024 |
Spain |
Third meeting of the Flyways Working Group (online) |
09.04.2024 |
IOSEA Marine Turtles |
10th Meeting of the Advisory Committee |
31.03.2024 |
Thailand |
Birds of Prey (Raptors) |
Seventh Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group to the Raptors MOU (TAG7) |
27.03.2024 |
Birds of Prey (Raptors) |
Meeting of the Working Group on the South West Asia Illegal Hunting, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds |
15.01.2024 |
Saudi Arabia |
Birds of Prey (Raptors) |
Sixth Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group to the Raptors MOU (TAG6) |
09.01.2024 |
Gorilla Agreement |
Fourth Meeting of the Parties of the Agreement on the Conservation of Gorillas and Their Habitats (GA MOP4) |
11.12.2023 |
France |
2nd CMS-IWC Workshop on Cetacean Ecosystem Functioning |
14.11.2023 |
Reunión preparatoria para la COP14 para África, Asia, Europa |
26.10.2023 |
October Interim Meeting of the Multi-Stakeholder Energy Task Force - Virtual meeting |
25.10.2023 |
Germany |
Reunión preparatoria para la COP14 para América Latina y el Caribe |
23.10.2023 |
Reunión preparatoria para la COP14 para para Oceanía |
17.10.2023 |
CMS, Middle-European Great Bustard |
Fifth Meeting of Signatories (MOS5) of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of the Middle-European Population of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) |
20.09.2023 |
Slovakia |
Atlantic Turtles |
3rd Meeting of Signatories |
04.09.2023 |
Senegal |
Atlantic Turtles, CMS, Sharks, Western African Aquatic Mammals |
CMS Marine Megafauna Week: Atlantic Coast of Africa |
04.09.2023 |
Senegal |
Virtual Workshop on Market Surveys for Addressing Illegal Take of Migratory Birds |
02.08.2023 |
Birds of Prey (Raptors) |
Third Meeting of Signatories to the Raptors MOU |
03.07.2023 |
United Arab Emirates |
Online Range State Meetings for the Action Plan to Address Aquatic Wild Meat Harvests in West Africa |
27.06.2023 |
Central Asian Mammals Initiative, CMS |
Technical Workshop for the Asiatic Wild Ass |
26.06.2023 |
Germany |