
New Report Shows Widespread Population Declines of African Raptors

A new report published today in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution has found that Africa’s birds of prey may be facing an extinction crisis. According to the report by an international team of researchers, African savanna raptors such as the Rüppell's Vulture, the Steppe Eagle, and the iconic Secretarybird are showing evidence of widespread and significant population declines and a growing dependence on protected areas across the African continent.

04 January 2024

International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola) - Technical Series No. 47

The Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola was once regarded as one of the most abundant passerines in Eurasia. Its global population was estimated to be at least several million birds and its breeding range was expanding westward into Europe prior to the 1980s. The decline was firstly detected when breeding birds in Japan started to decrease in the 1990s. A comprehensive study published in 2015 revealed an 84.3 to 94.7% decline of the population in about three decades.

20 December 2023

World Migratory Bird Day 2024 to Focus on Insects

We are excited to announce that for the first time ever, the upcoming World Migratory Bird Day campaign in 2024 will focus on the importance of insects for migratory birds, and highlight concerns related to decreasing populations of insects.  Insects are essential sources of energy for many migratory bird species, not only during the breeding seasons but also during their extensive journeys and greatly affect the timing, duration, and overall success of bird migrations.

14 November 2023

Global Campaign Highlights Importance of Water for Birds

World Migratory Bird Day 2023 is here, focusing on the theme "Water: Sustaining Bird Life." On October 14th, people and organizations all over the world will come together to raise awareness and take action. Water is essential to the survival of migratory birds. From breeding to resting, and refueling during migration and wintering, migratory birds rely on lakes, rivers, ponds, coastal wetlands, and even moisture found in seeds, flowers, and mist.

11 October 2023