Target 9: International and regional action and cooperation between States for the conservation and effective management of migratory species fully reflects a migration systems approach, in which all States sharing responsibility for the species concerned engage in such actions in a concerted way.


 ►    The  CMS COP Resolution 09.22 (Rev. COP12) on Tigers and Other Asian Big Cats includes:

1.                   Encourages the Secretariat to explore areas for complementing the ongoing efforts of existing international organizations and Conventions for the conservation of tigers and other Asian big cats, and to report to the Scientific Council and the COP

2. Questions on CMS Agreements:

Questions on the development of new CMS Agreements relating to [Bird] Species [this group of questions repeated for each taxonomic group]:

1. In the current reporting period, has your country initiated the development of any CMS Agreements, including Memoranda of Understanding, to address the needs of Appendix II [Bird] Species ? [Relevant also to Target 3].

2. In the current reporting period, has your country participated in the development of any new CMS Agreements, including Memoranda of Understanding, which address the conservation needs of Appendix II [Bird] Species ? [Relevant also to Target 3].

4. Is the development of any CMS Agreement for [Bird] Species, including Memoranda of Understanding, planned by your country in the foreseeable future [Relevant also to Target 3].


VII. Membership:

1. Have actions been taken by your country to encourage non- Parties to join CMS and its related Agreements?


X. Implementation of COP Resolutions and Recommendations:

Please provide information about measures undertaken by your country relating to recent Resolutions and Recommendations since the last Report. For your convenience please refer to the list of COP Resolutions and Recommendations listed below:

5. Instructs the Secretariat to maintain cooperative working relationships with IPBES, to participate as appropriate in meetings of the Platform and to report on progress to the Standing Committee, resources permitting.

[Add possible other progress review processes relevant to this target within CMS and CMS instruments]