Target 9: International and regional action and cooperation between States for the conservation and effective management of migratory species fully reflects a migration systems approach, in which all States sharing responsibility for the species concerned engage in such actions in a concerted way.


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 09.22 (Rev. COP12) on Tigers and Other Asian Big Cats includes:

1. Urges Parties and Range States to enhance mutual transboundary cooperation for the conservation and management of tigers and other Asian big cat species throughout the species’ range and potential donor countries to provide or increase financial support for conservation of Asian big cat species;

►    The Programme of Work of the Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI POW) includes:

Objective 4 - To support implementation, coordination and resourcing of the CAMI:

4.2.8) Use and develop regional or landscape approaches for fundraising – not only single country projects.

4.2.9) Explore funding options through the Global Environment Fund (GEF) (including Small Grants Programme) projects – joint proposals between several countries should be developed with involvement of GEF implementing agencies (WB, ADB, UNDP) in the processes of project application.

4.2.10) Strengthen bilateral cooperation between countries as well as with donors in fundraising and joint project development.


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 10.08 (Rev. COP12) on Cooperation between the International Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and CMS includes:

3. Encourages Parties and relevant organizations to make available funds to support the four functions of IPBES, namely assessments, policy support, capacity building and knowledge generation aimed at improving the science-policy interface related to the conservation of migratory species;


►    The CMS COP Resolution 11.31 (2014) on Fighting wildlife crime and offences within and beyond borders includes:


10. Proposes that Parties and relevant funding agencies provide adequate, predictable and timely financial support for implementing the provisions of this Resolution;