Target 8: The conservation status of all migratory species, especially threatened species, has considerably improved throughout their range.


► The COP Resolution 12.06 (Manila 2017) on Wildlife Disease and Migratory Species, includes:

11. Urges the Contracting Parties to integrate wildlife, livestock, human and ecosystem health issues into a) contingency planning, b) monitoring and surveillance, c) outbreak investigations and responses to morbidity and mortality events; and d) current and future capacity building activities;

See separate Indicator Factsheets document.


►    The MoU concerning the conservation of the Manatee and small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia: Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia (WAAM MoU) includes:

Objective 5 - Research and Monitoring:


• Standardised data collection form.

• Mechanism for reporting and recording of opportunistic data.

• List of priority topics and areas for research agreed.

• Species guides developed or adapted and disseminated.

• Regular contact, e.g. by means of an email discussion group, among scientists and agencies involved in small cetacean conservation and other relevant issues.

• Non-lethal research on abundance etc. carried out concerning small cetacean species targeted in subsistence hunting and live capture.

• Relevant cetacean datasets identified, national databases established and metadata accessible. 

• Online regional sighting database established and operational.

• Knowledge of distribution and species inventories for Range States improved in quality and by addition of further species.

• Number of cruises to estimate abundance of small cetacean species completed.

• Species information and ID kit assembled and distributed.

• Incorporation of small cetacean expertise to conduct sightings and research activities in cruises dedicated to other purposes (e.g. rapid ecological assessments).

• Increased reporting level for small cetaceans from opportunistic sightings.

• At least one remote sensing device deployed in the region for at least six months.


►    The CMS COP 12.10 (Manila 2017) on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Vultures includes:

9. Calls on Parties to report progress in implementing the Vulture MsAP, including monitoring the efficacy of measures taken, to each Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS, including through their National Rep


►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.17 (Manila 2017)on the Conservation and Management of Whales and their Habitats in the South Atlantic Region includes:

5. Requests the Secretariat and the Scientific Council to work with the Scientific and Conservation Committees of the International Whaling Commission to increase understanding of cetaceans' contribution to the functioning of marine ecosystems, including by co-hosting a workshop to review the existing data and research and identify opportunities to expand this work; and

6. Requests the Scientific Council to promote work to address key gaps in knowledge and future research directions to support the implementation of the Action Plan and other conservation measures in the South Atlantic area.


►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.18 (Manila 2017)on Conservation of the African Wild Ass (Equus africanus) includes:

4. Requests the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the State of Eritrea to monitor the existing populations of the African wild ass;


 ►    The  CMS COP Resolution 12.19 (Manila 2017)  on Endorsement of the African Elephant Action Planincludes:

1.                   Instructs the Secretariat to liaise with the Steering Committee of the African Elephant Fund in order to become an ex officio member, and to:

d) At the request of the African Elephant Fund Steering Committee, invite the Scientific Council (subject to its terms of reference) to provide advice on specific activities relating to the African Elephant Action Plan.

►    The Programme of Work on Migratory Birds and Flyways (2014-2023), attached as Annex I to Resolution 12.11 includes:

Theme C. Enhancing knowledge to support flyway conservation


• Strengthen monitoring of migratory bird populations

• Promote analyses of existing datasets on individual bird movements

• Promote development and use of new tools and techniques to identify migration strategies

Theme E. Monitoring and reporting


1. Ensure implementation of POW by Parties through regular monitoring and updating of the POW

2. Enable FWG to continue providing support for review, provision of guidance and input to implementation and monitoring of POW


►    The Action Plan for the Americas Flyways 2018-2023 attached to Resolution 12.11 as Annex 3, includes:


5.1. Monitoring of the Action Plan

5.1.1. The Americas Flyways Task Force will facilitate implementation of the Americas Flyways Framework (AFF) and associated Action Plan, with a focus on filling gaps and enacting conservation on the ground.

5.2. Reporting on implementation of the global Programme of Work on Migratory Birds, Americas Flyways Framework and Action Plan, as facilitated by its Americas Task Force