Target 7: Multiple anthropogenic pressures have been reduced to levels that are not detrimental to the conservation of migratory species or to the functioning, integrity, ecological connectivity and resilience of their habitats.

►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.23 (Manila 2017) on Sustainable Tourism and Migratory Species, includes:

8. Recommends that Parties collaborate closely with relevant stakeholders in planning for tourism involving wildlife such as, but not limited to, regulatory agencies, conservation organizations, scientific experts, private operators, indigenous and local communities.

►    The Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 3 - Threat Reduction:

Objective 1 - Minimize the impacts of the major hazards listed below on whale and dolphin populations in the Pacific Islands region:

3.6) Build links into international fora addressing climate change.

Theme 9 - National, Regional and International Collaboration and Cooperation:

Objective 1 - Promote and enhance national, regional and international coordination, collaboration and partnership for whale and dolphin conservation in the Pacific Islands Region:

9.6) Develop partnerships/relationships, e.g. through MoUs, with relevant private sector organisations to reduce threats to whales and dolphins such as by-catch, depredation and marine debris (such as fishing and tourism industries, NGOs).

►    The Resolution 10.11 Powerlines and migratory birds includes:

2.2) Consult regularly relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, scientific bodies, non-governmental organizations and the energy sector, in order to monitor jointly the impacts of power lines on birds and to agree on a common policy of action.



The EUROBATS MOP Resolution 8.4 Wind Turbines and Bat Populations includes:

5. Promote continued dialogue and cooperation between all stakeholders in the search for best practice to avoid or minimise the adverse impact of wind energy generation on bat populations. 


The EUROBATS MOP Resolution 8.6 Bats and Light Pollution includes:

10. Promote continued cooperation between lighting professionals and other stakeholders in the search for best practice to avoid or minimise the adverse impact of artificial light on bats.


The EUROBATS MOP Resolution 8.7 Bats and Climate Change includes:

7. Promote continued cooperation and collaboration between scientists, professionals and other stakeholders and international bodies whose work is related to climate change.