Target 6: Fisheries and hunting have no significant direct or indirect adverse impacts on migratory species, their habitats or their migration routes, and impacts of fisheries and hunting are within safe ecological limits.


Relevant questions in the existing CMS National Report format


3. Listing of migratory species in Appendix II:

IV. National and Regional Priorities:

3. Does the conservation of migratory species currently feature in any other national or regional policies/plans (apart from CMS Agreements)

3a. Do these policies/plans cover the [exploitation of natural resources (e.g. fisheries, hunting, etc.)]? If yes, please provide details.

4. Results - please describe the positive outcomes of any actions taken.


X. Implementation of COP Resolutions and Recommendations:

Please provide information about measures undertaken by your country relating to recent Resolutions and Recommendations since the last Report. For your convenience please refer to the list of COP Resolutions and Recommendations listed below:

►    The  CMS COP Resolution 12.22 on Bycatch (Manila 2017 )includes:

3. Urges Parties to assess the risk of bycatch arising from their fisheries, as it relates to migratory species, including by using observer programmes and/or other methods, where appropriate, to implement best practice mitigation measures and to review regularly the effectiveness of their implementation of mitigation measures with a view to refining them if required;

 5. Calls upon Parties to cooperate by providing reports of the type of injuries found in the bodies of marine species with a view to find tools that will lead to the solutions needed to address the problems that cause the different types of injuries, which are the same problems that cause the stranding of diverse migratory species, such as birds, marine mammals, turtles, sharks and rays;

11. Requests Parties to improve reporting of bycatch information and data in their CMS National Reports, or via their reports to CMS daughter agreements, particularly on bycatch mitigation methods that have proved to be effective;

13. Requests Parties to provide available information, including the results of bycatch risk assessments or mitigation research, to the Scientific Council to allow the Scientific Council, upon request from one or several Parties, to identify and provide advice to them on bestpractice mitigation techniques for each particular circumstance;


[Add possible other progress review processes relevant to this target within CMS and CMS instruments]