Target 15: The science base, information, training, awareness, understanding and technologies relating to migratory species, their habitats and migration systems, their value, functioning, status and trends, and the consequences of their loss, are improved, widely shared and transferred, and effectively applied.


►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation of high Andean Flamingos and their habitats includes:

2) Develop an Action Plan to protect the species and their habitats, which should guide the conservation actions of the signatories and, which should inter alia include measures to promote co-ordination of these actions, international cooperation, improving the knowledge on these species, management, research, awareness and the exchange of information among the signatories. The responsibility for the Action Plan’s elaboration will be assumed by the public services of each signatory country with competence over the issue. Doing this, they can make use of the technical assistance provided by the GCFA and other public and/or private authorities.

►    The Programme of Work of the Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI POW) includes:

Objective 3 - To facilitate knowledge exchange, communication and the promotion of synergies:

3.1.7) Establish an “Asian Scientific Initiative for Conservation of Migration” to facilitate science communications.

►    The Conservation and Management Plan of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU) includes:

Objective 3 - Improve understanding of marine turtle ecology and populations through research, monitoring and information exchange:

3.4) Build capacity to strengthen conservation measures:

3.4. d) Develop partnerships with universities, research institutions, training bodies and other relevant organisations.


The Migrant Landbird Study Group (MLSG) offers significant contributions to knowledge, and servesas an independent study group to streamline research efforts that will inform conservation action for migrant landbirds within a global conservation context, but with a focus on the Africa-Eurasia flyways. The MLSG will promote and encourage co-operation between researchers, both amateurs and professionals, and enthuse a broader public through an online information-sharing and knowledge-exchange platform, and by the organisation of meetings, e-newsletters, co-operative projects, and any other legal means.


►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.07 (Manila 2017) on the Role of Ecological Networks in the Conservation of Migratory Species, includes:

19. Calls upon Parties and invites other Range States and relevant organizations to use tools such as Movebank, ICARUS and other tools to better understand the movements of CMS-listed species, including the selection of those endangered species whose conservation status would most benefit from a better understanding of their movement ecology, while avoiding actions which may enable the unauthorised tracking of individual animals and facilitate poaching;

21. Calls on Parties, other Range States, relevant organizations and individual experts in the research and conservation community to collaborate with and participate actively in the EBSA process and mobilize all available data and information related to migratory marine species, to ensure that the EBSA process has access to the best available science in relation to marine migratory species


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 10.08 (Rev. COP12) on Cooperation between the International Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and CMS includes:

1. Urges CMS Focal Points and Scientific Councillors to communicate and liaise regularly with the national representatives in the IPBES to ensure that the needs for research and policy guidance related to migratory species, especially those listed under CMS, are being adequately addressed by IPBES;

4. Requests the Scientific Council to participate in relevant processes of IPBES, in collaboration with the scientific advisory bodies of other MEAs as appropriate;

5. Instructs the Secretariat to maintain cooperative working relationships with IPBES, to participate as appropriate in meetings of the Platform and to report on progress to the Standing Committee, resources permitting



The EUROBATS MOP Resolution 8.7 Bats and Climate Change includes:

7. Promote continued cooperation and collaboration between scientists, professionals and other stakeholders and international bodies whose work is related to climate change.

The EUROBATS MOP Resolution 8.13 Insect Decline as a Threat to Bat Populations in Europe includes:

7. Promote continued cooperation and collaboration between scientists, professionals, stakeholders and international bodies whose work is related to insect decline.