Target 13: Priorities for effective conservation and management of migratory species, their habitats and migration systems have been included in the development and implementation of national biodiversity strategies and action plans, with reference where relevant to CMS agreements and action plans and their implementation bodies.


See separate Indicator Factsheets document.


►    The Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 9 - National, Regional and International Collaboration and Cooperation:


• Number of national, regional and international organisations, processes and frameworks incorporating PIR whale and dolphin conservation needs.

• Number of national, regional and international partnerships created to support WDAP implementation.

• Number of NBSAPs or equivalent strategies integrating WDAP action.

• Capacity strengthened to draft, manage and enforce legislation and policy in country/territory.

►    The MoU concerning the conservation of the Manatee and small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia: Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia includes:

Theme 1 – National, Regional and International Collaboration and Cooperation:


• Number of national, regional and international organisations, processes and frameworks incorporating the needs of western African small cetaceans.

• Number of national, regional and international partnerships created to support implementation of SCAP.

• Number of international fisheries access agreements and regulations for extraction industries specifically taking small cetacean conservation needs into account.

• Progress in development of and support to a regional CMS agreement.

►    The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali includes:

Objective 4 - To ensure effective implementation of the action plan:


• Argali National Action Plans developed.

• Argali page on CMS website established.

• Lead government agencies and argali contact points appointed.

• Argali Working Group TORs agreed.

• MoU/other argali agreement established.

• Funding plan developed.