Target 13: Priorities for effective conservation and management of migratory species, their habitats and migration systems have been included in the development and implementation of national biodiversity strategies and action plans, with reference where relevant to CMS agreements and action plans and their implementation bodies.


►    The Guidelines on the integration of migratory species into NBSAPs advise developing countries and countries with economies in transition to explore funding opportunities within the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) for the development and updating of their NBSAPs.

Objective 1 - Recent CBD COP Guidance on NBSAPs:

1.g) Develop a resource mobilization plan in support of priority activities.

16) Only a minority of existing NBSAPs include strategies to finance their implementation, and this, in combination with the widespread lack of endorsement of NBSAPs at a higher government level, has led to poor mobilization of resources and consequently poor implementation of NBSAPs.[…] Since such efforts will often be concerted and/or coordinated between Range States, it would be advisable to identify the financial needs and sources between Range States, including through the existing CMS instruments. In cases where migratory ranges cover both developed and developing countries, arrangements for financial support from developed to developing Range States could be made.


Note: Implementing Target 13 should itself help to leverage greater resourcing for biodiversity (i.e. for the implementation of other SPMS Targets).