Lasurius Bat © Michael Durham/NPL; Black Noddy © Robert Hutchinson; Caspian Seal © Mirgaliy Baimukanov,,; Chimpanzee © Clara Nobbe; Christmas Frigatebird © Janos Hennicke; Redstart © Ricardo Gomez Calmaestra; Angleshark © Philippe Guillaume; African White-backed Vulture © Andre Botha; African Lion © Jacques-Andre Dupont; Whale Shark © Jim Catlin; Giraffes © Jim Zuckerman; Steppe Eagle © Tarique Sani/; African Wild Ass © Mossad Sultan; White-spotted Wedgefish © David R.; Common Cranes ©; Lappet-faced Vulture © Andre Botha; Przewalski's Horses © Grunewald; Humpback Whale © Gonzalo Auraujo/Lamave; African Wild Dog © John Birch; Blue Shark © Alessandro Cere; African Elephant © Jim Zuckerman; Hawksbill Turtle © Greg Piper; Leopard © John Birch; Gobi Bear © Jenny E. Ross
Record number of commitments at global summit sets the pace for integration of wildlife and sustainable development
CMS COP12 sees 34 proposals to amend the species appendices accepted; one withdrawn
India to host COP13 in 2020
Manila, 28 October 2017 – World governments attending this year’s largest wildlife summit have collectively endorsed actions on the conservation of a wide range of migratory species, many of which are near-extinct.
The week-long CMS COP12 ended in Manila today with decisions on 34 species in submissions made by 24 Parties from Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and Oceania. These include actions on Africa’s great carnivores, 10 species of vulture, and the endangered Whale Shark, known as the butanding in the Philippines.
"The Conference in Manila has been a real game changer for the Convention. An intensive week of negotiations have resulted in a stronger commitment by countries to step up their efforts to conserve the planet's migratory wildlife. Thanks to the collective efforts of all, the Convention now has a compliance review mechanism and has adopted species that test the boundaries of international wildlife conservation", said Bradnee Chambers, Executive Secretary of CMS.
Governments also agreed to cooperate on reducing the negative impacts of marine debris, noise pollution, renewable energy and climate change on migratory species.
The Twelfth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP12) took place in Manila, the Philippines from 23 to 28 October 2017 under the theme ‘Their Future is Our Future – Sustainable Development for Wildlife & People’.
"The theme of this Conference has also contributed to a growing global recognition of the importance of nature to our human well-being and the multiple connections between wildlife and people. It has helped to convey the message that the future of migratory wildlife is integral to our own future and that we all have the responsibility to act. Agreements made at CMS COP12 have firmly underlined this important message", said Chambers.
"Migratory animals play a critical role in our planet’s ecosystem. They act as pollinators, control pests and are a source of food and income. They are also an inspiration for people here in the Philippines and all around the world", said Director Theresa Mundita Lim of the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) and national focal point of the Philippines to CMS.
The CMS COP12 in Manila has been the largest-ever meeting in the 38-year history of the Convention, which is also known as the “Bonn Convention” after the German city in which it was signed.
COP12 saw some notable outcomes, including:
Other mammals that will benefit from the additional protection include the African Wild Ass – the most endangered wild equid in the world, Przewalski’s Horse and four species of Lasiurus Bat. The proposal to add the Chinkara (Indian Gazelle) was withdrawn.
Unusually for a CMS COP, consensus was not reached on four species proposals, which went to a vote. Listing of the Chimpanzee, Giraffe, Leopard and Lion was approved by a wide majority at the Committee stage.
In total,12 mammals were afforded greater protection under CMS, 16 birds and 6 species of fish. Listing on Appendix I requires governments of Parties to protect the species while Appendix II calls for international cooperation to ensure that the conservation status of a species is favourable.
Other successes, which will benefit many of the newly-listed species include:
CMS COP12 also saw five new Migratory Species Champions – commended for their outstanding commitment and long-term conservation efforts. These were:
Government ministers, representatives of civil society and chief officers of international organizations met on the eve of the summit for a High-Level panel discussion on the importance of protecting migratory wildlife in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. The resulting Manila Declaration on Sustainable Development and Migratory Species, which emphasizes the links between the conservation of wildlife and attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals was unanimously adopted by Parties.
A number of celebrities made appearances at the Conference and gave passionate pleas for wildlife conservation, including UN Environment Global Goodwill Ambassador Yann Arthus-Bertand and Nadya Yuti Hutagalung as well as Philippine journalists and celebrities such as Rico Hizon, Cathy Untalan-Vital and Antoinette Taus.
Addressing the Plenary of COP12 on Wednesday, Erik Solheim, Executive Director of UN Environment, noted that the Sustainable Development Goals were directed at both ‘people’ and ‘planet’. He added that new technologies and political commitment could protect both the planet and bring development to people with the same policies.
"We will put in place the necessary national measures to integrate the conservation and protection of migratory wildlife species into our development planning processes and we will engage all sectors of society in crafting these measures", said Ms. Lim with reference to the decisions adopted at CMS COP12.
Dr. Chambers concluded: "This COP has broken all records as the biggest COP in the history of CMS, with the highest number of attendees from Parties, non-Parties and NGOs, with a record number of proposals accepted. Our hosts here in the Philippines have contributed greatly to this success. We look forward to working closely with Parties over the next few years to expand our role as the preeminent guardian of migratory animals across the world."
"We can protect only those species within our territory. Beyond our territory, we urge other countries to also initiate measures to protect these species and to join the Convention", said Ms. Lim.
Changes to the CMS Appendices, Resolutions and Decisions enter into force 90 days after the COP.
CMS COP12 attracted over 1,000 participants, including 234 delegates from 91 Parties as well as 35 from non-Parties representing every region of the world. It marked the first time the summit had been held in Asia.
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Notes for Editors
Last updated on 16 November 2017