2020/009: Enhancing Engagement with the Global Environmental Facility concerning Funding for National Priorities of CMS

The Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) is pleased to inform Parties about opportunities to promote migratory species conservation over the eighth replenishment period of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund (GEF-8, July 2022 to June 2026).

Advice on National Priorities

Although CMS does not receive direct support from the GEF, Parties to CMS can benefit from funding for national priorities that are integrated into the guidance that the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) develops for the GEF. Following on CBD Decisions XII/30 and XIII/21, the CBD Secretariat invited CMS and other biodiversity-related conventions to provide inputs on their priorities to be considered in the development of the four year  framework of programme priorities for GEF-8. 

The CBD Secretariat has indicated two opportunities for this input:  first, as an input to documentation being prepared by the CBD Secretariat to be considered at the third meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-3) on 9-14 November 2020, and subsequently at its Conference of the Parties (COP15) in 2021. CBD Decision XIV/23 further noted that its guidance on priorities for the GEF should be aligned with the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, to be adopted at CBD COP15, and thus it anticipates that there may be an additional opportunity to identify programme priorities for the GEF8 replenishment during COP15.

CMS Resolution 10.25 (Rev.COP12) requests the CMS Standing Committee to develop such elements of advice, and the CMS Secretariat to convey this advice on its behalf.

In line with CBD Decisions XIII/21 and XIV/23, it is recommended that these priorities are formulated in accordance with the GEF mandate and at a strategic level, and in line with the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023 and the Gandhinagar Declaration on the CMS priorities for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, as well as other relevant decisions adopted at CMS COP13. 

To facilitate this process, the CMS Secretariat has prepared the attached draft resolution on CMS guidance for GEF8, for the consideration of the Standing Committee.  Accordingly, the CMS Secretariat invites National Focal Points to liaise with their regional representatives on the Standing Committee to provide their inputs to this draft resolution no later than 1 August 2020 to allow the Standing Committee to consider such inputs when finalizing their advice.

Questionnaire on Funding Needs

As a separate matter, the CBD Secretariat has issued a questionnaire to collect information about the types and costs of projects or programme areas envisaged by developing countries and countries with economies in transition to fulfil their commitments under CBD and its Protocols over GEF-8. Questionnaire responses, together with data from other sources, will enable an assessment of the overall funding needs for GEF-8.

The questionnaire together, with guidance for completing it, is available at the following link: www.cbd.int/financial/gef8needs.shtml. Among the factors to consider in identifying these needs are synergies with other conventions and the draft post-2020 global biodiversity framework, which largely reflects CMS priorities.

The CMS Secretariat encourages National Focal Points to liaise with their CBD and GEF counterparts so that programmes and projects and initiatives that conserve and sustainably use migratory wildlife and their habitats are highlighted, as appropriate, in the responses of CBD Parties to the questionnaire

For any further information please contact Laura Cerasi, Fundraising and Partnerships Officer, UNEP/CMS Secretariat, E-mail: [email protected].

Last updated on 29 June 2020