2018/003: IPBES - Calls for Experts and Inputs

The Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS) would like to draw attention to three calls from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for:

-          review of the second order draft of the IPBES global assessment - deadline 29 June 2018;

-          nomination of experts for the IPBES assessment of the sustainable use of wild species and the IPBES assessment on values – deadline 1 June; and

-          input regarding the strategic framework of the future IPBES work programme – deadline 23 May.

Details of these calls can be found on the IPBES website.

Considering the relevance of IPBES work to the Convention, the Secretariat would like to encourage CMS Parties, partner organizations and experts to engage in these processes.  

Particularly with regard to the IPBES second work programme and in accordance with CMS Resolution 10.8 (Rev.COP12), the Secretariat would urge CMS Focal Points and Scientific Councillors “to communicate and liaise regularly with the national representatives in the IPBES to ensure that the needs for research and policy guidance related to migratory species, especially those listed under CMS, are being adequately addressed by IPBES.”

For further information, please contact Mr. Marco Barbieri: [email protected]

Last updated on 03 May 2018