44th Standing Committee Meeting

The location on the map is approximate!

The 44th Meeting of the Standing Committee (StC44) will be held from 14 to 15 October 2015 in Bonn, Germany. The meeting documents will be added to this website as they become available. The online pre-registration for the meeting can be accessed here.

La 44ème réunion du Comité permanent de la CMS se tiendra à Bonn, Allemagne du 14 au 15 octobre 2015.  Les documents pour la réunion seront publiés ici dès leur finalisation.  Le formulaire en ligne pour vous inscrire à la réunion est disponsible ici.

La 44a reunión del Comité permanente de la CMS tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Bonn, Alemania del 14 al 15 de octubre de 2015. El formulario en linea para la inscripción para la reunión del Comité permanente está disponible aquí.


14 Oct 2015 to 15 Oct 2015
OrganizerUNEP/CMS Secretariat
CMS InstrumentCMS
VenueUN Campus

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Number Title Files
UNEP/CMS/StC44/2.1. Rev 3 Provisional Agenda and Documents
UNEP/CMS/StC44/2.2. Rev 2 Provisional Annotated Agenda and Meeting Schedule
UNEP/CMS/StC44/3 Rules of Procedure
UNEP/CMS/StC44/4.1 Draft Report of the 42nd Meeting of the Standing Committee
UNEP/CMS/StC44/4.2 Draft Report of the 43rd Meeting of the Standing Committee
UNEP/CMS/StC44/5 Report of the Depositary
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.1 Reports from Standing Committee Members
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.1.1 Regional Report from Central America and the Caribbean
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.1.2.Rev 1 Regional Report from Europe
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.1.3 Regional Report to the 44th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee - Oceania
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.1.4 Regional Report from South America
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2 Reports from CMS Family Agreements
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2.1 Report on the Implementation of the CMS Gorilla Agreement
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2.2 Report on the Implementation of ACAP
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2.3 Implementation of the Agreement on the Conservation of the Wadden Sea

Progress Report by the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat

UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2.4 ACCOBAMS report to the 44th Meeting of the UNEP/CMS Standing Committee

Progress Report by the ACCOBAMS Secretariat

UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2.5 Report of the Joint CMS/ASCOBANS Secretariat
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.2.6 Report of the EUROBATS Secretariat
UNEP/CMS/StC44/6.3 Reports from Observers
UNEP/CMS/StC44/8 Report of UNEP
UNEP/CMS/StC44/10.2.Rev.1 Execution of the CMS Budget during the Period January to August 2015
UNEP/CMS/StC44/10.3.Rev 1 Implementation of the Programme of Work 2015-2017
UNEP/CMS/StC44/10.4 Resource Mobilization Update and Way Forward
UNEP/CMS/StC44/13 Future Structure and Strategies of CMS: Update on Implementation of 2015-2017 Activities
UNEP/CMS/StC44/14 Scientific Council Organizational Changes
UNEP/CMS/StC44/15.1 Independent Analysis on Common Services and Synergies in the CMS Family (includes Annex 1)
UNEP/CMS/StC44/15.1/Annex 2/Rev.1 Independent Analysis: Annex 2
UNEP/CMS/StC44/16.1 Terms of Reference: Working Group on the Development of a Review Process under CMS
UNEP/CMS/StC44/18 Synergies and Partnerships
UNEP/CMS/StC44/18.1 Cooperation between CMS and CBD
UNEP/CMS/StC44/18.2.Rev 1 Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)
UNEP/CMS/StC44/18.3 Cooperation between CMS and Ramsar