Proposals for Amendments of the CMS Appendices

Appendices I and II of the Convention may be amended at any meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Amendments consist of migratory species or their populations being added to or removed from the Appendices. Proposals for amendment can be submitted by any Contracting Party, in accordance with the procedure defined in Article XI of the Convention. The Conference of the Parties decides whether to accept or reject a proposal, taking into account the advice of the CMS Scientific Council. Resolution 11.33 provides guidelines for assessing proposals for the amendment of the Appendices.

Proposals for amendment of the Appendices have to be compiled according to a standard format. Through Resolution 1.5, the 1st Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP1) defined the format which has been in use up until COP11. Through Resolution 11.33, COP11 requested the CMS Scientific Council and the Secretariat to update Resolution 1.5 by developing a new template and guidelines for the drafting of listing proposals in line with the guidelines for the assessment of proposals for amendment, for adoption by the Standing Committee in time for its use for proposals to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties at its 12th Meeting. The new format for proposals to amend CMS Appendices was adopted by the Standing Committee at its 45th meeting. It can be downloaded through the link here below.

This page includes the final version of all proposals submitted to meetings of the Conference of the Parties since COP1, in descending chronological order. The same documents are available from the web pages of individual meetings of the CMS Conference of the Parties.


Proposals to Amend the Appendices of CMS

Format for proposals to amend CMS Appendices EN

Modèle pour les propositions d'amendement des Annexes FR

Modelo de propuestas para enmendar los Apéndices ES

Document Number Title Publish date
COP4 II/54 Little Crake - Porzana parva parva (now Zapornia parva)
COP4 II/53 Spotted Crake - Porzana porzana (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
COP4 II/52 African Rail - Rallus caerulescens (populations in Eastern and Southern Africa)
COP4 II/51 Water Rail - Rallus aquaticus (spp aquaticus and korejewi) (Western Palearctic populations)
COP4 II/50 African Spoonbill - Platalea alba (excluding Madagascan population)
COP4 II/49 Sacred Ibis - Threskiornis aethiopicus aethiopicus (now Threskiornis aethiopicus)
COP4 II/47 Marabou Stork - Leptoptilos crumeniferus
COP4 II/46 Woolly-necked Stork - Ciconia episcopus microscelis (now Ciconia microscelis)
COP4 II/45 Abdim's Stork
COP4 II/44 African Openbill - Anastomus lamelligerus lamelligerus
COP4 II/43 Yellow-billed Stork - Mycteria ibis
COP4 II/42 Intermediate Heron - Mesophoyx intermedia brachyrhyncha
COP4 II/41 Black-headed Heron - Ardea melanocephala
COP4 II/40 Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea purpurea (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
COP4 II/39 Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea cinerea (Western Palearctic populations)
COP4 II/38 Great (white) Egret - Casmerodius albus albus (now Ardea alba alba) (Western Palearctic populations)
COP4 II/37 Little Egret - Egretta garzetta garzetta (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic and Southern Africa)
COP4 II/36 Slaty Egret - Egretta vinaceigula
COP4 II/35 Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis ibis (migratory populations of Western Eurasia and Africa)
COP4 II/34 Madagascar Pond-Heron - Ardeola Idae
COP4 II/33 Ruffous-bellied Heron - Ardeola rufiventris
COP4 II/32 Squacco Heron - Ardeola ralloides (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
COP4 II/31 Black-crowned Night-heron - Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
COP4 II/30 Dwarf Bittern - Ixobrynchus sturmii
COP4 II/29 Little Bittern - Ixobrynchus minutus minutus (Western Palearctic populations)
COP4 II/28 Great Bittern - Botaurus stellaris stellaris (Western Palearctic populations)
COP4 II/27 Pink-backed Pelican - Pelecanus rufescens
COP4 II/26 Great White Pelican - Pelecanuc onocrotalus (Western Palearctic populations)
COP4 II/25 Pygmy Cormorant - Phalacrocorax pygmaeus (now Microcarbo pygmaeus)
COP4 II/24 Socotra Cormorant - Phalacrocorax nigrogularis