Proposals for Amendments of the CMS Appendices

Appendices I and II of the Convention may be amended at any meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Amendments consist of migratory species or their populations being added to or removed from the Appendices. Proposals for amendment can be submitted by any Contracting Party, in accordance with the procedure defined in Article XI of the Convention. The Conference of the Parties decides whether to accept or reject a proposal, taking into account the advice of the CMS Scientific Council. Resolution 11.33 provides guidelines for assessing proposals for the amendment of the Appendices.

Proposals for amendment of the Appendices have to be compiled according to a standard format. Through Resolution 1.5, the 1st Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP1) defined the format which has been in use up until COP11. Through Resolution 11.33, COP11 requested the CMS Scientific Council and the Secretariat to update Resolution 1.5 by developing a new template and guidelines for the drafting of listing proposals in line with the guidelines for the assessment of proposals for amendment, for adoption by the Standing Committee in time for its use for proposals to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties at its 12th Meeting. The new format for proposals to amend CMS Appendices was adopted by the Standing Committee at its 45th meeting. It can be downloaded through the link here below.

This page includes the final version of all proposals submitted to meetings of the Conference of the Parties since COP1, in descending chronological order. The same documents are available from the web pages of individual meetings of the CMS Conference of the Parties.


Proposals to Amend the Appendices of CMS

Format for proposals to amend CMS Appendices EN

Modèle pour les propositions d'amendement des Annexes FR

Modelo de propuestas para enmendar los Apéndices ES

Document Number Title Publish date
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Doc.24.1.6 Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris) Appendix I 11 August 2014
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Doc.24.1.5/Rev.1 Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) Appendix I 04 November 2014
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Doc.24.1.4/Rev.1 Great Bustard (Otis tarda) Appendix I 19 September 2014
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Doc.24.1.3 Red-fronted Gazelle (Eudorcas rufifrons) Appendix I 11 August 2014
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Doc.24.1.2/Rev.1 Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica) Appendix I / Other subspecies Appendix II 04 November 2014
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Doc.24.1.1 Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris) Mediterranean subpopulation Appendix I 11 August 2014
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal II/2 Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Bobolink) Appendix II 19 October 2011
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal II/1 Ovis ammon (Argali sheep) Appendix II 19 October 2011
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal I/5.Rev.1 & II/3.Rev.1 Manta birostris (Oceanic Manta Ray) Appendices I and II 19 October 2011
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal I/4 Numenius tahitiensis (Bristle-thighed Curlew) Appendix I 19 October 2011
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal I/3 Numenius madagascariensis (Far-eastern Curlew) Appendix I 19 October 2011
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal I/2 Falco vespertinus (Red-footed Falcon) Appendix I 19 October 2011
UNEP/CMS/COP10/Proposal I/1.Rev.1 Falco cherrug (Saker Falcon) Appendix I 19 October 2011
COP3 II/25 Baird's Beaked Whale - Beradius bairdii
COP3 II/24a Bottlenose Dolphin - Tursiops truncatus (Western Mediterranean population)
COP3 II/24 Bottlenose Dolphin - Tursiops truncatus (Black Sea population)
COP3 II/22 Spinner Dolphin - Stenella longirostris (Eastern tropical Pacific populations)
COP3 II/21 Striped Dolphin - Stenella coeruleoalba (Western Mediterranean population)
COP3 II/20 Striped Dolphin - Stenella coeruleoalba (Eastern tropical Pacific population)
COP3 II/19 Pantropical Spotted Dolphin - Stenella attenuata (EAstern tropical pacific populations)
COP3 II/18 Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin - Sousa teuszii
COP3 II/17 Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin - Sousa chinensis
COP3 II/16 Tucuxi - Sotalia fluviatilis
COP3 II/15 Franciscana (Dolphin) - Pontoporia blainvillei
COP3 II/13 Dall's Porpoise - Phocoenoides dalli
COP3 II/12 Harbour Porpoise - Phocoena phocoena (Black Sea population)
COP3 II/11 Harbour Porpoise - Phocoena phocoena (Western North Atlantic population)
COP3 II/10a Orca (or Killer Whale) - Orcinus orca (Eastern North Atlantic population)
COP3 II/10 Orca (or Killer Whale) - Orcinus orca (Eastern North Pacific population)
COP3 II/9 Irrawaddy Dolphin - Orcaella brevirostris