Dugong dugon

20 Jun 2024

Abu Dhabi, 6 December 2023 - The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugong dugon) and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong

06 Dec 2023

Abu Dhabi, UAE - The Convention on the Conservation of Mig

15 May 2023


09 May 2023

The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has successfully rescued and rehabilitated a dugong calf, discovered stranded at the Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve, Abu Dhabi in 2019.

09 May 2023

The CMS Dugong MOU is excited to announce a new call for project concepts that aim to support community-led activities that address key threats to dugongs and seagrass.
Eligible organizations are invited to submit a concept note using the attached application form by 21 March 2023 with a view to launching the projects in May 2023.

21 Feb 2023

South Africa, 14th October

09 Nov 2022

Published on 21 March was a review of the literature and overview of the contemporary use of aquatic megafauna (cetaceans, sirenians, chelonians, and crocodylians) in the global tropics and subtropics, for 37 species listed on the Appendices of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

22 Mar 2022

The Kingdom of Bahrain has acceded to the Convention bringing the number of Parties to 133.  It joins the ever-growing number of contracting Parties from Asia. The Kingdom of Bahrain, whose capital is Manana, is an island country located in the Persian Gulf that comprises an archipelago of natural islands and artificial islands with a total land area of 728 km2 and approximately 3000 km2 of territorial waters. 

01 Mar 2022

The Dugong and Seagrass Toolkit has been selected as one of the 25 most noteworthy innovations in the Government sector of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation. The selection was determined after a rigorous screening and assessment process where several contenders showcased their projects over a period of one year.

08 Jun 2021

The CMS Dugong MoU Secretariat is excited to announce the launch of a new call for concept notes until 17th May 2021 to support community-led activities that address key threats to dugongs and seagrass. 

29 Apr 2021

In recognition of World Seagrass Day 2021, we are thrilled to announce the official launch of the Dugong & Seagrass Hub. The Hub is a communal platform for dugong and seagrass conservationists to collate and share information, resources, best practice and lessons learned working to conserve seagrass ecosystems in dugong range states.

01 Mar 2021

Abu Dhabi, 9th December 2020 - The Dugong MOU Secretariat is pleased to share a call for Expressions of Interest in the position of Project Manager for

09 Dec 2020

We are pleased to share this short documentary of community-based dugong tracking with permission from the Li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers in Australia’s Northern Territory.

08 Jul 2020

Dugong Questionnaire Yields Unprecedented Insights into Species Distribution and Abundance

12 Jan 2020

Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit Helps Conservationists in Diverse Range States 

27 Dec 2019

Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project Yields Tangible Results in Eight Countries and Paves the Way for Further International Investment 

19 Dec 2019

Dr Donna Kwan from the Dugong MOU Secretariat attended the closing workshop of the Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project (DSCP) in Bali, Indonesia from 26 to 28 February 2019. The workshop was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The four-year project, Enhancing the Conservation Effectiveness of Seagrass Ecosystems Supporting Globally Significant Populations of Dugongs across the Indian and Pacific Ocean Basins, commenced in 2015 and covered 43 national projects across Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mozambique, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu.

05 Mar 2019

During the 13th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP13) to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) held in Dubai, the Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit was demonstrated and discussed in a side-event organized by the Dugong MoU Secretariat and Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD). With the theme, ‘Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future’, COP13 provided the perfect forum to learn about the most appropriate tools and techniques to use in researching dugong and seagrass conservation.

30 Oct 2018

Voting is now open for the 2018 Google Impact Challenge and a project from Murdoch University, led by two members of the Dugong Technical Group Dr Amanda Hodgson and Dr Christophe Cleguer, has made it to the Top 10!

11 Oct 2018

A set of guidelines for interacting with dugongs was launched last week by the Vanuatu Environmental Science Society (VESS) and is now available online. The guidelines are intended to facilitate a friendly environment to interact with dugongs for anyone in and around dugong habitats. The launch event was attended by the Vanuatu Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Director of Tourism along with diving and tour operators, hoteliers, sporting groups, NGO and other members of the public.

24 Sep 2018

Good news for dugongs in the Solomon Islands, it is now against the law to fish, retain, be in possession of, buy, sell or export dugongs in the Solomon Islands. Any violation of this law is punishable by four months in prison and/or SI$40,000 fine (USD 5,000).

16 Sep 2018

Timor-Leste has confirmed its support towards the protection of dugongs and their vital seagrass habitats by becoming the 27th Signatory to the CMS Dugong MOU. The Secretary of State for the Environment, H.E. Demétrio do Amaral de Carvalho signed the MOU earlier today at a signing ceremony in Dili, Timor-Leste.

10 Sep 2018

Dr Donna Kwan from the CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat undertook a site visit to Bazaruto Archipelago to meet with local partners from 11-19 August 2018. With a population of approximately 300 dugongs, Bazaruto is the last remaining stronghold for dugongs in East Africa. The mission aimed to assess and better understand the local conditions to ensure the successful implementation of conservation interventions in the Bazaruto Archipelago.

20 Aug 2018

A 12-feet male dugong caught while fishing was rescued and released by fishermen with the assistance of marine police and forest personnel in Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, India.

30 Jul 2018

Dr Donna Kwan from the CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat attended the Dugong and Seagrass Workshop, held from 5-8 March 2018 in Munda, Solomon Islands. The Workshop, hosted by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project brought together delegates from four of the five Pacific island dugong range states.

08 Mar 2018

Dr Donna Kwan from the CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat attended the International Mermaid Symposium in Toba, Japan on 22-23 February 2018. The Symposium was hosted by Toba Aquarium, Mie University and Kyoto University and focused on the theme of ‘Dugongs: Global Status and Future’.

23 Feb 2018

Trang, Thailand, 10 February 2018 –  Anantara Si Kao Resort has officially opened the Dugong Education and Conservation Centre (DECC) in Trang, Thailan

22 Feb 2018

The CMS Memorandum of Understanding on Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout Their Range (Dugong MOU) just celebrated its ten year anniversary. The MOU came into effect on 31 October 2007 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, which in 2009 became the home of the CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat.

28 Nov 2017

The 22nd Biennial Conference of the Biology of Marine Mammals was held in Halifax, Canada from 22 -27 October 2017. The event, hosted by the Society for Marine Mammalogy, was followed by the Eighth International Sirenian Symposium on 28 October.

30 Oct 2017

The Programme Management Officer of the Dugong MOU Secretariat, Dr Donna Kwan, attended a conference in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on 8-9 October 2017.

10 Oct 2017

A new look Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit was unveiled over the weekend. The Toolkit, a collaboration between Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, TOTAL, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, and CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat, is a decision-support tool for dugong and seagrass conservation.

10 Sep 2017

The Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit was launched at the Third Meeting of Signatories (MOS3) to the Dugong MOU this week by Dr Shaikha Al Dhaheri, Executive Director, Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity Sector, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Mr Hatem Nuseibah, President of Total E&P UAE and Group Representative in the UAE. The toolkit was also the main topic of the second day of the Seagrass and Dugong Technical Workshop, held after MOS3 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

17 Mar 2017

Abu Dhabi, 13 March 2017 – Delegates from twenty-three countries, along with the world’s leading dugong and seagrass experts, gather today under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) for the opening of the Third Meeting of Signatories (MOS3) to Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats (Dugong MOU).

13 Mar 2017

Abu Dhabi / Bangkok, 29 January 2017 - Dugong, seagrass and community-based management experts met in Bangkok from 25 to 27 January 2017  to finalise t

29 Jan 2017

The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) together with the CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat are pleased to announce that a Seagrass and Dugong Technical Workshop will be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,on 15-16 March 2017. The workshop will be highly interactive and of relevance to researchers, conservation practitioners and marine resource managers.

13 Oct 2016

The Third Meeting of Signatories (MOS3) to the Dugong MOU will take place on 13–14 March 2017 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

22 Sep 2016

Today the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project unveiled its new, interactive and informative website that includes information about the project, resources for dugong and seagrass conservation, as well as information for project partners. The website was launched at an event hosted by Zayed University in Abu Dhabi, where the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (the MBZ Fund) publicly announced the GEF grant for the project.

21 May 2016

A revised version of the Standardised Dugong Catch/Bycatch Questionnaire and Upload File is now available along with a new shorter version of the Questionnaire.

28 Feb 2016

Experts in dugong, seagrasses and community-based management met in Bangkok on 15-17 February 2016 to provide guidance and advice on current efforts and future directions for a number of major projects included in the work plan of the CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat.

18 Feb 2016

The Head of the Dugong MOU Secretariat, Dr. Donna Kwan, participated in a meeting to discuss the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Project entitled ‘Dugongs (Dugong dugon) of the Western Indian Ocean Region: Identity, Distribution, Status, Threats and Management’ in Cape Pettenburg, South Africa.

15 Feb 2016

A number of high-achieving James Cook University (JCU) alumni were honoured at a special ceremony in Townsville, Australia on 7 September 2015. Dr Donna Kwan, Programme Manager of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Dugong Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Secretariat, received JCU 2015 Outstanding Alumni Award in Marine and Environmental Sciences category.

08 Sep 2015

“MObI – Marine Mammal Observers of Oceania by Internet” is a new smartphone application now available to help users distinguish marine mammals at any time in New Caledonia and French Polynesia.

24 Jul 2014

A consortium of institutions is beginning a multi-year study of the occurrence, numbers and identity of dugongs in the Western Indian Ocean (Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya and Seychelles). There is an opportunity for students at the PhD level, though MSc students will also be considered. See the full announcement in the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Blog.

15 Apr 2014

This is a call for Expressions of Interest in the position of Project Coordinator for an international Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project.

03 Apr 2014

Abu Dhabi is leading efforts to protect the elusive marine mammal associated with mermaid legends. GN Focus explains what its decline means for the region's marine economy.

27 Mar 2014

Louisa Ponnampalam, one of the Technical Advisors to the CMS Dugong MoU, has been awarded a 2014 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation to conduct new research on the country’s population of dugongs.

12 Mar 2014

Hoyt Peckham, one of the Technical Advisors to the CMS Dugong MoU, has been awarded a 2014 Pew fellowship in marine conservation to expand on his work on incentivizing sustainable fishing along the coast of Northwest Mexico to other communities in the region and around the world.

12 Mar 2014

The aim of this full-day symposium/workshop, in collaboration with the IUCN Sirenian Specialists Group, is to foster communication between researchers, managers, and policy makers.

07 Dec 2013

The latest issue of Sirenews (the biannual newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Sirenia Specialist Group) is now available online. The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) is a science-based network of volunteer experts working together towards achieving the vision of "A world that values and conserves present levels of biodiversity".

01 May 2013

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has confirmed its support towards the protection of dugongs and their vital seagrass habitats by becoming the 26th Signatory State to the CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MOU).

03 Mar 2013

The Second Signatory State Meeting for the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MOU) was hosted by the Government of the Philippines on 19 and 20 February in Manila, Philippines.

20 Feb 2013

A revised version of the Standardised Catch/Incidental Catch Survey Questionnaire, the Project Manual (with an improved Chapter 9) and the Upload file are now available.

16 Sep 2012

The latest issue of Seagrass-Watch news (the official magazine of the global seagrass and assessment program) is now available online.

28 Aug 2012

Following on from the Pacific Year of the Dugong in 2011, a new report on activities which took place during Palau’s Dugong dugon Awareness Campaign 2010-2011 has been released.

13 Mar 2012

A programme to improve livelihoods and create economic opportunity in exchange for the conservation of dugongs and their seagrass habitat was officially launched in Abu Dhabi today.

27 Feb 2012

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has published a booklet “Dugongs – respect and protect: dugong profile for range states in the Pacific Islands”. It gives an overview of the six dugong range states (Australia, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) in the Pacific region and the measures they have in place to conserve and protect the dugongs.

16 Feb 2012

Sri Lanka has pledged its support to the long-term survival of the dugongs and the protection of their critical seagrass habitats by becoming a signatory state to the dugong MoU

31 Jan 2012

British marine biologist Dr Nicholas Pilcher wowed his audience at an illuminating presentation on dugongs, conservation, reflections on the past and the possibilities for the future.

12 Jan 2012

In association with the 7th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium in Mombasa, Kenya, the UNEP/CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat organized a special session on progressing dugong conservation in the South West Indian Ocean sub-region, on Friday 28 October 2011.

05 Dec 2011
Abu Dhabi, 20 November 2011 - The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Total United Arab Emirates (Total UAE) organised a ceremony marking the ex
20 Nov 2011

New website describes local efforts to conserve what is thought is the last viable dugong population in the Western Indian Ocean. www.dugongs.org

15 Sep 2011

The UNEP/CMS South East Asia Sub-Regional Meeting on Dugongs and Workshop on Developing Standardised Analysis Protocols for Dugong Questionnaire Survey Project Data for South East Asia Region was held on 27-29 July in Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia. The meeting was a big success as for the first time representatives from Singapore and Timor Leste attended an international dugong meeting, and this was also the first time for Japan to attend since 2005.

10 Aug 2011
Lawas, 27 July 2011 – A three-day Southeast Asia regional workshop on the dugong, a protected species under the Sarawak Wildlife Protection Ordinance
27 Jul 2011
Samoa, 20 July 2011 – A tribute to the Year of the Dugong was unveiled by the Vice President of Palau, the Hon.
20 Jul 2011

The Kingdom of Thailand became the 20th signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MOU) today, when Minister Suwit Khunkitti of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment signed the Dugong MOU in Bangkok.

30 Jun 2011

The First South Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs hosted by India on 6-7 June 2011 in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, has successfully facilitated regional cooperation to implement the Dugong MOU Conservation and Management Plan in the region.

20 Jun 2011
Tuticorin, June 2011 – In a major step towards enhanced regional cooperation for the conservation of the Dugong (Sea Cow), India will host the First
01 Jun 2011

Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology organized the Solomon Islands National Launch of the Pacific Year of the Dugong 2011.

10 May 2011

Marine Mammal Legislation and Enforcement Workshop was held in Palau International Coral Reef Center on 27 April 2011, and have now passed new, stricter dugong legislation, which increases the penalties for killing or causing injury to a dugong or possessing or selling any dugong parts or products and for other related purposes.

03 May 2011

The largest remaining dugong populations in East Africa have received a welcomed boost for their continued survival today, when Mozambique became the 19th Signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Conservation of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range.

18 Apr 2011

The Pacific Year of the Dugong was launched in Daru, Papua New Guinea (PNG), with great celebration on 24 March 2011.

24 Mar 2011

With President Johnson Toribiong, Palau commenced their national campaign for the Pacific Year of the Dugong. He stated we have a moral obligation to protect dugongs, and requested support from other nations to join Palau to preserve the unique dugong population.

14 Mar 2011

The Pacific Year of the Dugong (PYoD) is a campaign led by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and supported by UNEP/CMS, aiming at boosting the conservation of dugongs and its seagrass habitats.

14 Mar 2011

The Secretariat received 12 Expressions of Interest covering all five sub-regions. The projects highlighted the need for a number of important dugong conservation activities.

08 Feb 2011
Abu Dhabi, 28 November 2010 – The report of the
28 Nov 2010

The First Signatory State Meeting of the CMS Dugong MOU convened on 4-6 October 2010 in Abu Dhabi.

07 Oct 2010

The Technical Meeting for the Conservation of the Dugong and its Habitat in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) brought together 29 participants to Madagascar representing eight dugong range states from the East African coast and Western Indian Ocean Islands.

04 Aug 2010

UNEP/CMS Office - Abu Dhabi, together with a group of the best available experts, has developed a tool called the Standardised Dugong Catch/Bycatch Questionnaire. The interview-based survey can be used to identify important dugong areas, as well as the threats to their existence.

13 May 2010

The UNEP/CMS Abu Dhabi Office organised a workshop in the 30th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium on 25–30 April 2010 in Goa, India. The workshop entitled “Conservation of Marine Turtles and Dugongs: Shared Synergies and Opportunities” explored the overlaps to conservation and management of these species and their habitats, A focus on species conservation and habitat protection are features of both the IOSEA MoU and the Dugong MoU.

25 Apr 2010

UNEP/CMS Office Abu Dhabi financially supported two training workshops/meetings: the Dugong Asia Sub-Regional Technical Workshop/Meeting in Phuket, Thailand, and the Pacific Islands Sub-Regional Technical Workshop/Meeting in Brisbane, Australia, in collaboration with the Phuket Marine Biological Centre (PMBC), and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) respectively.

07 Apr 2010

Under the auspices of the UNEP/CMS Dugong MoU, a workshop was convened in Singapore to develop a standardized questionnaire survey format which will be used in Dugong MoU-funded regional assessment projects.

03 Mar 2010
Bonn, 1 September 2008 - 
01 Sep 2008
Bonn, 28 May 2008 - Ms Meena Gupta, Secretary of the Ministry of Environment & Forests signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation
28 May 2008
Abu Dhabi, 31 October 2007 – A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning the conservation of dugongs in the Indian Ocean has been signed and enter
31 Oct 2007
Jakarta, 6 November 2006 – CMS, UNEP Regional Seas and the UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok have announced their contribution
06 Nov 2006

No pictures for Dugong dugon

Common names
EnglishDugong, Sea Cow
GermanDugong, pazifische seekuh
Scientific name Dugong dugon

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