© Petra Kaczensky
The meeting will take place as a technical workshop due to insufficient participation of official Range State representatives and will consist of the process of development of the Internaitonal Single Species Action Plan for the Asiatic Wild Ass. On 30 June the BfN-CMS Transboundary Cooperation Workshop will take place with participation of partner organizations, such as the GIZ and the Michael Succow Foundation. These Meetings are jointly organised by the CMS Secretariat and the International Academy for Nature Conservation (INA) of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with funding from the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). It is being convened within the framework of the 2020 – 2023 Joint Work Programme between the CMS Secretariat and the BfN under the activity “Developing an International Single Species Action Plan for the Asiatic Wild Ass (Equus hemionus).”
The 13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS (COP13) adopted Resolution 11.24 (Rev. COP13), containing the Programme of Work 2021-2026 for the Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI POW). Activities 11.1-11.8 of the CAMI POW address conservation of the Asiatic Wild Ass (Equus hemionus). In particular, Activity 11.1 requests the Range States, with the support of the CMS Secretariat and IUCN Equid Specialist Group to Update status and distribution of Asiatic Wild Ass in all countries and develop a cross-boundary conservation vision. Furthermore Activity 11.2 requests the Range States with the support of the CMS Secretariat and the IUCN Equid Specialist Group to Develop an International Single Species Action Plan for the Asiatic Wild Ass covering all Range States as well as national action plans. The Meeting will facilitate implementation of these Activities.
The main objectives of the Asiatic Wild Ass Workshop are to:
Review the status and distribution of the Asiatic Wild Ass
Discuss aspects of re-introduction, habitat fragmentation and mitigation measures, wildlife health and transboundary conservation
Identify main threats and actions needed
Develop the Single Species Action Plan for the Asiatic Wild Ass.
The main objectives of the Transboundary Cooperation Workshop are to:
Introduce ongoing transboundary conservation initiatives in Asiatic Wild Ass habitat
Explore synergies and collaboration potential in particular with respect to supporting CMS Parties in implementing the Convention.
Starting from relevant recommendations of the Study “Transboundary Conservation Hotspots for the Central Asian Mammals Initiative” (Transboundary Hotspots Study) recommend follow up activities to promote conservation of selected wildlife hotspots.
Participation in the meeting is upon invitation by the CMS Secretariat and BfN.