Description: | Adult mortality reduction |
Fecha de inicio: | |
End date: | |
Responsibility: | |
Output: | The first overarching goal dealing with adult mortality reduction involves a suite of actions that could be summarized as follows: - Investigate the impact of agriculture chemicals and Identify as poisoning agents and evaluate the use of veterinary drugs to inform response strategy; - Lobbying to secure appropriate changes of legislation regarding the use of dangerous pesticides and vet medicine products; - Develop local action plans against wildlife poisoning; - Test of alternative methods to reduce human-wildlife conflict that trigger Egyptian vulture persecution; - Establish a pan-Balkan network of stakeholders against wildlife poisoning; - Evaluate the magnitude of damages to Egyptian vulture due to poisoning, electrocution and illegal killing along the flyway; - Establish controlled local carcass dumps to support non-territorial birds at key sites; - Test alternatives to use of strychnine or other poisons to control rabies at key congregation sites in the wintering grounds in Africa; - Reduce loss of individuals due to power generation and power supply (wind turbine collision and electrocution) along the flyway; - Develop local capacity to combat illegal killing and trafficking of birds along the flyway. |
Description: | Recovery of the Egyptian Vulture Balkan breeding population |
Fecha de inicio: | |
End date: | |
Responsibility: | |
Output: | The second major goal shall establish the basis for the recovery of the Balkan breeding population, through tailored restocking strategy. It will be deployed through the following key actions: - Establish Balkan Egyptian vulture captive breeding pool to reinforce the breeding population in Bulgaria and Greece; - Develop and pilot a restocking strategy for the Balkans |
Description: | Increase awareness of and support for Egyptian Vulture conservation |
Fecha de inicio: | |
End date: | |
Responsibility: | |
Output: | The third suite of actions are intended to increase awareness of and support for Egyptian vulture conservation through relevant stakeholders’ engagement. They will be informed by an ethnographic study and guided by a communication strategy and public awareness campaigns. The knowledge and attitudes of key stakeholders in representative areas to Egyptian vultures will be initially registered and carefully monitored. Two major international campaigns are planned: - A Mile for the Egyptian vulture: campaign to communicate main threats to the species to local communities and general public in key countries along the flyway; and - Fly with the Vulture: campaign to engage with prospective supporters. |
Description: | Communication |
Fecha de inicio: | |
End date: | |
Responsibility: | |
Output: | Additional communication effort will be invested to: - Develop community understanding and involvement by creating local caretaker groups; - Ensure effective national and international media coverage of the project; - Networking and cooperation with experts along the flyway to disseminate the conservation needs of the species; - Traditional communication tools will be engaged, including interactive website, attractive (to local tastes) information boards and specific communication printed materials. |
Implementing Agency | Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) |
Collaborating agencies | CMS Raptors MOU, Hellenic Ornithological Society/Birdlife Greece (HOS), WWF Greece, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife UK (RSPB), Doga Dernegi/BirdLife Turkey (DD), BirdLife Middle East, BirdLife Africa, A.P. Leventis Ornithological and Research Institute (APLORI), Green Balkans |
Activity start date | July 2017 |
Activity end date | December 2022 |
CMS Appendix | Appendix I |
Taxonomic group | Birds |
Target region | Africa Europe Middle East |
Target country | Albania, Bulgaria, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye |
Final technical report | No |
E-Newsletter: CAMI Newsletter April 2024 (English)
Электронный бюллетень: Информационный бюллетень ЦАИМ за апрель 2024 года (на русском языке)
Publication: Guidelines for Addressing the Impact of Linear Infrastructure on Large Migratory Mammals in Central Asia