Saiga borealis

The Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica and S. borealis mongolica) is a migratory herbivore found in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan. The saiga generally inhabits open dry steppe grasslands and semideserts. Saigas in the 1990s underwent a catastrophic fall (~95%) in numbers due to poaching, decreasing from more than 1.5 million to 50,000 individuals across its range. Most of Saiga tatarica is found in Kazakhstan (over 97%) with smaller numbers occurring in the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan, whereas Saiga borealis mongolica only occurs in Mongolia.

26 Jan 2023

Антилопа сайгак (Saiga tatarica и S. borealis) — это мигрирующее травоядное животное, обитающее в Казахстане, Монголии, Российской Федерации и Узбекистане. Сайгаки в основном населяют просторные степные пастбища и полупустыни. В 1990-х годах, из-за браконьерства, численность сайгаков по всему ареалу катастрофически сократилась с более чем 1,5 млн. особей до 50,000 голов (~ на 95%). Основная доля Saiga tatarica обитает в Казахстане (более 97%), и меньшая в Российской Федерации и Узбекистане, в то время как Saiga borealisвстречается только в Монголии.

26 Jan 2023

Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, and Uzbekistan agreed on new joint conservation measures to conserve the Saiga Antelope under the United Nations’ Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). For the next five years, the international Work Programme for the Saiga Antelope will provide a new framework to conserve and sustainably use the species throughout its migratory range.

27 Oct 2021

The UN Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) has launched the Central Asian Mammals Migration and Linear Infrastructure Atlas to help ensure the survival of migratory wildlife in this important region. Featured in the Atlas are the Asiatic Cheetah, the Snow Leopard, as well as antelopes, deer, gazelles, wild horses and yaks which undertake long-distance journeys across the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia to reach their feeding and breeding grounds.

04 Dec 2019

Vilm, Germany (May 4, 2017)– Experts have for the first time mapped the distribution and movement corridors of migratory mammals in combination with threats from linear infrastructure, such as railways, roads, pipelines, and border fences, across the entire Central Asian region.

04 May 2017

In May 2015, a catastrophic and unprecedented mass die-off caused by a bacterial infection wiped out more than 200,000 saiga antelopes within a few weeks. The Betpak-Dala saiga population in central Kazakhstan lost almost 90 per cent of its animals, which is equivalent to over 60 per cent of the global population, leaving the species in a critical situation. A new census data shows an increase of saiga numbers in all three populations within Kazakhstan, the antelope’s main Range State.

15 Jun 2016

Saiga Range Countries and Experts Convene in Tashkent Following Saiga Mass Mortality Event

03 Nov 2015

The Mongolian parliament has passed a national law implementing the CMS Guidelines on mitigating the impact of linear infrastructure and related disturbance on mammals in Central Asia just six months after they were adopted at COP11.

20 Aug 2015
Assessment information
CMS InstrumentsSaiga Antelope (2006), CMS
IUCN StatusEndangered
Date of entry in Appendix II2008

No pictures for Saiga borealis

Common names
EnglishMongolian Saiga antelope; Saiga antelope
FrenchAntelope Saïga
SpanishAntilope saiga
GermanSaiga Antilope
Formerly listed asSaiga tatarica
Scientific name Saiga borealis
AuthorTschersky 1876
SynonymsSaiga tatarica mongolica
Population per instrument
Instrument Population name

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