Concept Note |
15.01.2025 |
Dugong |
Agenda |
15.01.2025 |
Dugong |
Logistics Note |
15.01.2025 |
Dugong |
UNEP/CMS/DUGONG/MOS4/Doc.14(Rev.1) |
Programme of Work 2024-2027 for the Secretariat of the Dugong MOU |
17.05.2024 |
Dugong |
Provisional Annotated Agenda and Schedule |
05.04.2024 |
Dugong |
Analysis of National Reports Submitted by Signatory States |
04.04.2024 |
Dugong |
GEF-5 Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project |
04.04.2024 |
Dugong |
Conservation of Biodiversity, Seagrass Ecosystems, and their Services – Safeguarding Food Security and Resilience in Vulnerable Coastal Communities in a Changing Climate |
04.04.2024 |
Dugong |
Admission of Observers |
25.03.2024 |
Dugong |
Comments from DTAG on Proposed Amendments to the Conservation and Management Plan for the Dugong MOU |
18.03.2024 |
Dugong |
Comments from Australia on Proposed Amendments to the Conservation and Management Plan for the Dugong MOU |
08.03.2024 |
Dugong |
Rules of Procedure for Meetings of Signatory States to the Dugong MOU |
28.02.2024 |
Dugong |
UNEP/CMS/DUGONG/MOS4/Doc.13.1(Rev.1) |
Proposed Amendments to the Conservation and Management Plan for the Dugong MOU |
27.02.2024 |
Dugong |
Clean Version of the Amendments to the Conservation and Management Plan for the Dugong MOU Proposed in Annex I to Document UNEP/CMS/DUGONG/MOS4/Doc.13.1(Rev.1) |
27.02.2024 |
Dugong |
2016-2019 National Report Analysis – Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range |
22.01.2024 |
Dugong |
A Summary Report on a Review of Recent National Dugong Action Plans to Inform Revision of the Dugong Memorandum of Understanding Conservation Management Plan |
22.01.2024 |
Dugong |
Application Form for Exhibits at MOS4 |
19.01.2024 |
Dugong |
Application Form for Side-Events at MOS4 |
19.01.2024 |
Dugong |
CMS/Dugong/AGWorksop2023/01 |
Arabian Gulf Dugong Workshop - Agenda |
08.05.2023 |
Dugong |
CMS/Dugong/TAG1/Report |
Meeting Report - TAG1 - 2023 |
20.04.2023 |
Dugong |
CMS/Dugong/SS2/Report |
Report of the Second Signatory State Meeting (SS2) |
08.04.2013 |
Dugong |
Report of the UNEP/CMS Southeast Asia Regional Meeting on Dugongs and Workshop on Developing Standardised Analysis Protocols for Dugong Questionnaire Survey Project Data for South East Asia Region |
25.11.2011 |
Dugong |
UNEP/CMS/Inf.10.18.11 |
Review of Article IV Agreements already concluded: Dugongs |
25.11.2011 |
Draft Executive Summary on the First South Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs |
28.06.2011 |
Dugong |
DM/SS.1/Report Rev. 2 |
Report of the First Official Signatory State Meeting of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugong Dugon) and their Habitats throughout their Range |
17.01.2011 |
Dugong |