CMS Instrument | Status | Status date | Notes |
CMS | Party | 01.03.1995 | |
AEWA | Party | 01.07.2001 | |
EUROBATS | Party | 09.07.1998 | Acceded |
Middle-European Great Bustard | MOU Signatory | 28.11.2001 | |
MOU Signatory | 15.05.2012 | ||
Aquatic Warbler | Range State | Amendment of 14.05.2010 extended the geographical scope of the MoU to include Slovakia as a Range State |
Official name | Slovak Republic |
Party number | 045 |
Region | Europe |
Entry into force | March 1995 |
Nom scientifique | Nom commun | Class | Order | Family | Appendix (App. I / App. II) |
Falco columbarius | Merlin | Aves | Falconiformes | Falconidae | - / 1979 |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | Aves | Falconiformes | Falconidae | - / 1979 |
Falco vespertinus | Red-Footed Falcon | Aves | Falconiformes | Falconidae | 2011 / 1979 |
Falco cherrug | Saker Falcon | Aves | Falconiformes | Falconidae | 2011 / 1979 |
Acrocephalus paludicola | Aquatic Warbler | Aves | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | 1997 / 1979 |
Rhinolophus hipposideros | Lesser Horseshoe Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Rhinolophidae | - / 1985 |
Rhinolophus euryale | Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Rhinolophidae | - / 1985 |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Greater Horseshoe Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Rhinolophidae | - / 1985 |
Vespertilio murinus | Parti-Coloured Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1994 |
Myotis bechsteinii | Bechstein's Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Eptesicus nilssonii | Northern Serotine Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis dasycneme | Pond Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis daubentonii | Daubenton's Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis emarginatus | Geoffroy's Bat, Notch-Eared Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis brandtii | Brandt's Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis nattereri | Natterer's Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Common Pipistrelle | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis mystacinus | Whiskered Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Plecotus auritus | Brown Long-Eared Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis myotis | Greater Mouse-Eared Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Nyctalus noctula | Noctule Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Barbastella barbastellus | Barbastelle Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Eptesicus serotinus | Serotine Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Nyctalus leisleri | Leisler's Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |
Myotis blythii | Lesser Mouse-Eared Bat | Mammalia | Chiroptera | Vespertilionidae | - / 1985 |