Press releases

UN Wildlife Treaty Releases New Reports on Importance of Community-Led Conservation

Community-led conservation strategies can be instrumental for the successful conservation of migratory species according to two major reports released by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a global wildlife treaty of the United Nations. The report Community Participation and Livelihoods focuses on 10 key guiding principles for community-led conservation strategies, while the study Potential for Community-Based Wildlife Management in Central Asia presents real-world insights into how community-led initiatives can achieve biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods.

29 January 2025

New Atlas Helps Remove Barriers to Animal Migration in Central Asia

The UN Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) has launched the Central Asian Mammals Migration and Linear Infrastructure Atlas to help ensure the survival of migratory wildlife in this important region. Featured in the Atlas are the Asiatic Cheetah, the Snow Leopard, as well as antelopes, deer, gazelles, wild horses and yaks which undertake long-distance journeys across the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia to reach their feeding and breeding grounds.

04 December 2019

First Central Asian Migration Atlas Created to Reduce Harm to Wildlife from Infrastructure

Vilm, Germany (May 4, 2017)– Experts have for the first time mapped the distribution and movement corridors of migratory mammals in combination with threats from linear infrastructure, such as railways, roads, pipelines, and border fences, across the entire Central Asian region.

04 May 2017