
Continued Progress on Conservation Measures for Central Asia’s Iconic Migratory Land Species

Government representatives, experts, and civil society organizations gathered to discuss pressing conservation issues for two iconic Central Asian migratory species: the Argali Sheep and the Bukhara Deer.  At the 3rd meeting of the Signatories to the CMS’s Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Conservation and Restoration of the Bukhara Deer (Cervus elaphus bactrianus) (Bukhara Deer MOU) and the First Range State Meeting on the Implementation and Revision of the International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali (Ovis ammon), participants agreed upon a number of new measures aimed at improving the conservation status of the two species.  

02 December 2024

A new Work Programme for the Bukhara Deer for 2025-2032

On 10-11 September 2024, Signatories to the CMS’s Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation and Restoration of the Bukhara Deer (Cervus elaphus bactrianus) (Bukhara Deer MOU) met in Almaty, Kazakhstan to review and discuss the progress and challenges in the Bukhara Deer conservation efforts.
траны-подписанты Меморандума о взаимопонимании по сохранению и восстановлению бухарского оленя (Cervus elaphus bactrianus) (МОВ по бухарскому оленю) встретились в Алматы, Казахстан, 10–11 сентября 2024 года, чтобы обсудить прогресс и трудности в сохранении данного вида.

29 October 2024

World's Largest Bukhara Deer Population Needs Human Help

The Bukhara deer is a subspecies of the red deer that inhabits riparian forests along desert rivers in central Asia (Tugai forest) and is assessed by the IUCN as vulnerable. In total, there are less than four thousand individuals in the wild, inhabiting four countries. The largest population survives in Uzbekistan, with the largest grouping of the deer inhabiting the Lower Amu Darya Biosphere Reserve (NABR) in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.

22 February 2023

Крупнейшая популяция бухарских оленей в мире нуждается в помощи человека

Бухарский олень — это подвид благородного оленя, который обитает в тугайных лесах вдоль рек центральной Азии и оценивается МСОП как уязвимый. Всего в дикой природе насчитывается менее четырех тысяч особей, обитающих на территории четырёх стран. Наибольшее число животных сохранилось в Узбекистане, а самая крупная группировка оленя обитает на территории Нижне-Амударьинского биосферного резервата (НАБР) в Каракалпакстане (Узбекистан). Это место является одним из крупнейших участков природного Тугая в Центральной Азии, который, с глобальной точки зрения, представляет собой уникальную и находящуюся под угрозой исчезновения экосистему.

24 January 2023

Connectivity Conservation: a Key Element of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

CMS and its Family set the course for developing their contributions to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework which is expected to provide a "New Deal for Nature" for the entire international community. Two years away from its adoption, the post-2020 framework presents the opportunity to raise the visibility of migratory wildlife and promote its conservation. Last week, the CMS Standing Committee (Bonn, 23-24 October 2018) endorsed the establishment of a Working Group (WG) on the development of CMS Family contributions to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

02 November 2018

CMS and ACBK raise awareness on migratory mammals at the mining forum “Minex Central Asia” in Astana

The 7th mining forum "MINEX Central Asia – 2016" was hosted in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana on 19-21 April 2016. For the first time the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), represented by Kazakhstan’s largest nature conservation NGO, the Association for the Conservation of the Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK), participated in a major event organized by the mining industry.

15 May 2016

Experts Discuss Nature Conservation in Former Soviet Republics

“Nature Conservation in the Countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia – Lessons learned from the transformation process and challenges for the future”

24 March 2016

MoU on Bukhara Deer

Action Plan

12 March 2014