
National Reports

Document Number Title Publish date CMS Instrument
UNEP/CMS/COP14/NR.009 Austria - National Report COP14 07.09.2023 CMS
UNEP/CMS/COP13/NR.009 Austria - National Report COP13 19.09.2019 CMS
UNEP/CMS/GB/MOS4 Presentation from Austria 11.04.2018 Middle-European Great Bustard
UNEP/CMS/COP12/Inf.25.59 Austria - National Report COP12 11.05.2017 CMS
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Inf.20.3.AT National Report - Austria (COP11) 16.05.2014 CMS
UNEP/CMS/Inf.10.12.15 National Report of Austria (COP10) 10.03.2011 CMS
UNEP/CMS/Inf.9.12.25 National Report of Austria/Autriche (COP9) 11.06.2008 CMS

Ratification status

CMS InstrumentStatusStatus dateNotes
Middle-European Great Bustard
MOU Signatory
Slender-billed Curlew
Range State
Range State
Range State
Range State


Official nameRepublic of Austria
Party number091
Entry into forceJuly 2005

Related content

National Legislation

Title Publish date
Ordinance of the Provincial Government of 8 September 2020 on closed seasons and minimum catches (Brittelmaße) for aquatic animals (Carinthian Ordinance on Closed Fishing Seasons K-FSV), StF: LGBl. No. 75/2020 08.09.2020
Ordinance of the Salzburg Provincial Government of 12 October 2017 on the special protection of certain plant and animal species and on prohibited methods of capture or killing (Plant and Animal Species Protection Ordinance 2017), StF: LGBl Nr 93/2017 12.10.2017
Ordinance of the Styrian Provincial Government of 14 May 2007 on the protection of wild plants, naturally occurring wild animals including birds (Species Protection Ordinance), StF: LGBl. No. 40/2007 14.05.2007
Ordinance of the Provincial Government of 23 May 2006 on the Implementation of the Carinthian Hunting Law 2000, StF: LGBl No. 32/2006, idF: LGBl No. 51/2020 23.05.2006
Ordinance of the Government of the Province of Burgenland of 21 December 2005 laying down the provisions of Burgenland Hunting Law 2004 (Burgenland Hunting Ordinance), StF: LGBl Nr. 23/2005; idF: LGBl Nr. 3/2016 21.12.2005
Tyrolean Nature Conservation Law 2005 - TNSchG 2005, StF: LGBl. No. 26/2005; idF: LGBl. No. 80/2020 01.01.2005
Law of 10 November 2004 on the regulation of hunting in Burgenland (Burgenland Hunting Law 2004), StF: LGBl No. 11/2005; idF: LGBl. No. 70/2016 10.11.2004
Ordinance of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government on the Protection of Wild Plants and Fungi and Wild Animals (Upper Austrian Species Protection Ordinance), StF: LGBl. No. 73/2003; idF: LGBl. No. 54/2020 01.01.2003
Carinthian Nature Conservation Law 2002 - K-NSG 2002, StF: LGBl No. 79/2002, idF: LGBl No. 104/2019 01.01.2002
Ordinance of the Provincial Government of Burgenland of 18 September 2001 on special protection of plant and animal species (Burgenland Species Protection Ordinance 2001), StF: LGBl No. 36/2001; idF: LGBl. No. 24/2008 18.09.2001
Provincial Law on the Conservation and Preservation of Nature (Upper Austrian Nature and Landscape Conservation Law 2001 - Oö. NSchG 2001), StF: LGBl. No. 129/2001; idF: LGBl. No. 125/2020 01.01.2001
Law of 12 July 2000 on Fisheries in the Province of Carinthia (Carinthian Fisheries Law-K-FG), StF: LGBl. No. 62/2000; idF: LGBl. No. 104/2019 12.07.2000
Carinthian Hunting Law 2000 - K-JG, StF: LGBl No. 21/2000 (WV), idF: LGBl No. 7/2021 01.01.2000
Vienna Nature Conservation Ordinance, LGBl. for Vienna No. 5/2000; idF: LGBl. for Vienna No. 12/2010 01.01.2000
Lower Austrian Nature Conservation Law 2000 (NÖ NSchG 2000), StF: LGBl. No. 5500-0; idF: LGBl. No. 90/2020 01.01.2000
Salzburg Nature Conservation Law 1999 - NSchG, StF: LGBl. No. 73/1999; idF: LGBl. No. 61/2020 01.01.1999
Vienna Nature Conservation Law, LGBl for Vienna No. 45/1998; idF: LGBl for Vienna No. 71/2018 01.01.1998
Ordinance of the Provincial Government on the Implementation of the Nature Conservation and Landscape Development Law (Vorarlberg Nature Conservation Ordinance), StF: LGBl. No. 8/1998; idF: LGBl. No. 76/2009 01.01.1998
Vorarlberg Law on Nature Conservation and Landscape Development, StF: LGBl. No. 22/1997; idF: LGBl. No. 91/2020 01.01.1997
Administrative Offences Law 1991 – VStG, StF: LGBI. No. 52/1991 (WV); idF: LGBI. No. 58/2018 01.01.1991
General Administrative Procedure Law 1991 - AVG, StF: Federal Law Gazette No. 51/1991 (WV); idF: Federal Law Gazette I No. 58/2018 01.01.1991
Law of November 1990 on the protection and maintenance of nature and landscape in Burgenland (Burgenland Nature Conservation and Landscape Preservation Law - NG 1990), StF: LGBl. No. 27/1991; idF: LGBl. No. 70/2020 01.11.1990
Ordinance of the Provincial Government of 6 December 1988 on the Protection of Wild Animal Species (Carinthian Animal Species Protection Ordinance), StF: LGBl No. 3/1989; idF: LGBl No. 59/2015 06.12.1988
Law of 30 June 1976 on the Protection of Nature and the Conservation of the Landscape (Styrian Nature Conservation Law 1976 - NschG 1976), StF: LGBI. No. 65/1976; idF: LGBl. No. 55/2014 30.06.1976
Federal Law of 23 January 1974 on Acts Punishable by Law (Criminal Code - StGB), StF: Federal Law Gazette No. 60/1974; idF: Federal Law Gazette I No. 154/2020 (VfGH) 23.01.1974