Second Meeting of the Americas Flyways Task Force

The location on the map is approximate!

A bird standing in a fieldDescription automatically generated

The Second Meeting of the Americas Flyways Task Force will take place on 5-6 December 2024 in the city of Florianópolis, at the kind invitation of the Government of Brazil. The meeting is made possible thanks to the contributions of the Government of Brazil, Manomet Conservation Sciences and a financial contribution from the Government of the United Kingdom to the CMS Secretariat.

The meeting is open to the Members of the Task Force and to all interested American countries and other stakeholders.

Objectives of the meeting 

  1. Review the implementation of the Americas Flyways Action Plan,
  2. Agree on updating/revisions of the Americas Flyways Framework and Action Plan in line with the Decisions from CMS COP14 and the Samarkand Strategic Plan for Migratory Species,
  3. Agree on Task Force Workplan for the next term, including both species and sites conservation and communication, policy and fundraising activities,
  4. Identify donors and strategic stakeholders for a successful implementation of the new Workplan,
  5. Have a preliminary discussion on the elaboration of a MOU on American flyways to be submitted to COP15.


The Americas Flyways Framework (AFF) Task Force was established under CMS Resolution 11.14 Migratory Birds and Flyways. The 14 meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS (COP14) mandated the continuation of the Task Force through Resolution 12.11 (Rev.COP14) Flyways, with the goal of coordinating the development and implementation of the Americas Flyways Framework (AFF) Action Plan. The Task Force aims to strengthen cooperation among countries across the Americas, focusing on concerted conservation actions for migratory bird species. Relevant hemispheric entities are involved with the aim of reinforcing their mandates.

The goal of the AFF Task Force is to establish a shared and common practice for conservation of migratory birds in the countries of the Americas, strengthening the implementation of already existing initiatives for migratory bird conservation in the region and promoting cooperation between countries. The Task Force facilitates implementation of the AFF and associated Action Plan, with a focus on filling gaps and enacting conservation on the ground.

Registration Form Information for Participants Información para los participantes

05 Dec 2024 09:00 to 06 Dec 2024 18:00
OrganizerCMS Secretariat
CoorganizerGovernment of Brazil
CMS InstrumentCMS
TypeTechnical Meeting

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Number Title Files
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.3.a Provisional Agenda
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.3.b Provisional Annotated Agenda and Meeting Schedule
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.6 Review of Task Force memberships and potential gaps
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7 Americas Flyways Action Plan Implementation Review
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 1 Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 1
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.a Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - Argentina
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.b Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - Dominican Republic
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.c Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - Panama
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.d Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - Peru
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.e Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - United States
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.f Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - AFWA
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.g Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - BirdLife International
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.h Action Plan Implementation Review - Annex 2 - Brazil
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.7/Annex 2.i Action Plan Implementation Review - Ecuador
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.8.1 Draft Update of the Americas Flyways Framework and Action Plan
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.8.1/Annex 1 Draft Update of the Americas Flyways Framework and Action Plan - Annex 1
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.8.1/Annex 2 Draft Update of the Americas Flyways Framework and Action Plan - Annex 2
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.8.1/Annex 3 Comparison Analysis of Americas Flyways Framework and Americas Flyways Action Plan with SPMS - Annex 3
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.8.2 Draft Update of Task Force Work Plan
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.8.2/Annex 2 Draft Update of Task Force Work Plan - Annex 2
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.10 Preparation of Species Listing Proposals for consideration by CMS COP15
UNEP/CMS/AFTF2/Doc.11 Text of the Memorandum of Understanding