CMS/DUGONG/Report full |
Report of the Meeting (with annexes) |
Report of the Meeting (without annexes) |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 1: |
List of Participants |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 2: |
Agenda |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 3: |
Dugong biology: The case for a CMS agreement”: Presentation by Helene Marsh |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4: |
Presentations and Statements: |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4a: |
Australian Presentation: Overview of Australian Dugong Activities |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4b: |
Mayotte New Caledonia Presentation: Dugong conservation activities in France |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4c quarter: |
Assessment of Dugong Occurrence and Distribution in an extended area of the Rakhine Coast of Western Myanmar |
CMS/DUGONG//Report Annex 4c: |
Myanmar Presentation: The Present Status and Threats of Dugong in Myanmar |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4c bis: |
Preliminary Assessment of Cetacean Catches in Coastal Waters near Myeik and Dawei in South-eastern Myanmar |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4c ter: |
Capacity Building and Preliminary Assessment Pn Dugong (Dugong dugon) Occurrence off the Rakhine Coast of Myanmar |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4d: |
Thailand Presentation: Dugong (Dugong dugon) and Seagrass in Thailand: Present Status and Future Challenges |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4e: |
SPREP Presentation: SPREP Dugong Action Plan 2008-2012 Pacific Islands Region |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4e bis |
SPREP Marine Species Programme 2008-2012 |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4f: |
Opening Address by H.E. Majid Al Mansouri, United Arab Emirates |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 4g: |
Statement by H.E. Mohamed Maharage Juma, United Republic of Tanzania |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 5: |
Threats to Dugongs in the Eastern Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Regions (CMP Objectives 1 & 3) |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 6: |
Management tools to address threats to Dugongs in the Eastern Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Regions (CMP Objectives 1, 3, 5, 7, 8) |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 7: |
Information Gaps in the Eastern Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Regions (CMP Objectives 2 and 4) |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 8: |
Dugong Memorandum of Understanding |
CMS/DUGONG/Report Annex 9: |
Dugong Conservation and Management Plan |