Implications of Juvenile Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Sightings Along the East Coast of India


Information on sea turtles is generally limited to breeding individuals and hatchlings monitored on nesting beaches. The life stages between hatchling and adult are difficult to observe and are referred to as the “lost years” (Carr et al. 1978). However, research regarding diet, population density and population viability has been conducted to better understand juvenile life stages (Maffucci et al. 2013; Witherington et al. 2012) and so, no more are those years as “lost” to knowledge as they were before. Any information on individuals at these stages is valuable and contributes to our knowledge of the ecology and life history of these charismatic marine species

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Author(s)Kale N
Published Date2014
Publication LanguageEnglish
CMS InstrumentIOSEA Marine Turtles