Natator depressus

À quelques jours de la Journée mondiale de la tortue marine, le Mémorandum d’entente sur la conservation et la gestion des tortues marines et de leurs habitats de l’océan Indien et de l’Asie du Sud-Est (MdE Tortues marines de l’IOSEA) fêtait son vingtième anniversaire.

25 Jun 2021

The flatback turtle (Natator depressus) nests exclusively along the northern coast of Australia. It gets its name from its relatively flat, smooth shell, unlike other marine turtles which have a high domed shell. The Flatback is a medium-sized marine turtle, growing to up to one meter long and weighing up to 90 kg. It is carnivorous, feeding mostly on soft-bodied prey such as sea cucumbers, soft corals, jellyfish, molluscs and prawns.

Flatback turtles are found in northern coastal areas, from Western Australia's Kimberley region to the Torres Strait extending as far south as the Tropic of Capricorn. Feeding grounds also extend to the Indonesian Archipelago and the Papua New Guinea Coast. Although flatback turtles do occur in open seas, they are common in inshore waters and bays where they feed on the soft-bottomed seabed.

The preceding biological information on marine turtle species found around the Indian Ocean is derived partly from the NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources, website:(, supplemented by other sources (such as a website of the Australian Government, Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts -- for information on the Flatback turtle), and additional information supplied by Dr. Jack Frazier (IOSEA Advisory Committee Chair). 


Information d'évaluation
Instruments de la CMSCMS, IOSEA Marine Turtles
IUCN StatusData Deficient
Date d'inscription à l'Annexe II1979
Répartition géographique
Pays Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Noms communs
AnglaisFlatback Turtle
FrançaisTortue À Dos Plat
EspagnolTortuga kikila
AllemandAustralische suppenschildkröte
Nom scientifique Natator depressus
Author(Garman, 1880)
Standard referenceEckert, K.L., Bjorndal, K.A., Abreu-Grobois, F.A. and Donnelly, M. (Eds) (1999). Research and management techniques for the conservation of sea turtles. IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group Publication No.4.
Other details
Additional notesIn Effect 9/1/2001

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