Matériels d‘information

Publication Editeur Type Date de publication
Wildlife Watching and Tourism UNEP/CMS Secretariat Popular Series 2006
Migratory Species and Climate Change UNEP/CMS Secretariat Popular Series 2006
Year of the Dolphin Leaflet UNEP/CMS Secretariat Leaflets & Brochures
Analizing Gaps and Options for Enhancing Argali Conservation in Central Asia within the Context of the CMS
Living Planet: Connected Planet - Preventing the End of the World´s Wildlife Migrations through Ecological Networks UNEP, GRID-Arendal. Leaflets & Brochures
Responsible Shark and Ray Tourism: A Guide to Best Practice
Recommendation No. 110/2004 on minimising adverse effects of above-ground electricity transmission facilities (power lines) on birds
Protecting Nature in Power Grid Planning
El Cauquen Colorado UNEP/CMS Secretariat, Wetlands International, Direccion de Fauna Silvestre (Argentine) Leaflets & Brochures
Position Statement on Birds and Power Lines - On the risks to birds from electricity transmission facilities and how to minimise any such adverse effects
Budapest Declaration on Bird Protection and Power Lines
Documenting and reducing avian electrocutions in Hungary: A conservation contribution from citizen scientists
Birds and Wind-­Energy Best-­Practice Guidelines
H5N1 High pathogenicity avian influenza in wild birds - Unprecedented conservation impacts and urgent needs
Practical guide on the risks to birds from electricity transmission facilities and how to minimise any such adverse effects
Plan for Eradicating Bird Electrocution and Collision with Power Lines in the Region of Murcia
Impacts of power lines on bird populations in Europe
Guidance on Power Lines: Birds and Power Lines within the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway
Guidelines for Avian Protection on Power Lines
Basking Shark
Fact Sheet- Devil and Manta Rays
Mobula Ray Identification Guide for Fisheries Observers NOOA