European Commission Champions Migratory Wildlife Conservation

Brussels, 17 June 2016– Today the CMS Secretariat celebrates a new Champion for migratory species under the dedicated programme which aims at promoting the work under the CMS Family as well as encouraging and recognizing medium- and long-term support for conservation actions.

This morning, Mr Bradnee Chambers, UNEP/CMS Executive Secretary presented Mr. Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General, Directorate-General for Environment with the certificate that recognizes the European Commission as Champion Plus for its commitment towards “Building Capacity for Migratory Species Conservation” for 2015-2018. This award testifies the Commission’s long-term mission to enhance the skills, competencies and abilities of governments in developing countries to implement the Convention.

Through its support, the European Commission has been championing efforts to identify capacity-building needs of CMS Member States and addressing them through various activities. These capacity-building needs have been met by providing tailored tools and by organizing complementary workshops that combine training sessions, dynamic presentations and group work and encourage exchange of resources, experience and information and guide decision-making processes at national and international level.

The European Commissionalso recognized that the recruitment of new Parties is a high priority to ensure better conservation of migratory species. Currently the number of Parties to CMS is 123 mainly from Europe, Africa and South America but with significant gaps in Asia, North and Central America, the Caribbean and the Pacific regions. Increased membership and a more balanced geographical coverage would strengthen species protection through ensuring greater cooperation and promotion of transboundary measures. Better financing of the Convention deriving from a larger base of contributors, would also result in improved implementation on the ground.

Funding from the European Commission was granted through the Global Public Goods and Challenges (GPGC Programme) Cooperation Agreement with UNEP.

The Migratory Species Champion Programme has a dedicated page on the CMS Family common portal, accessible here. More information can be obtained from Laura Cerasi at the UNEP/CMS Secretariat.

Last updated on 17 June 2016