Meta 6: Las actividades pesqueras y de caza no tendrán impactos perjudiciales importantes, directos o indirectos sobre las especies migratorias, sus hábitats o sus rutas migratorias, y los impactos de la actividad pesquera y de la caza se encuentran dentro de límites ecológicos seguros.


►   The Manual for CMS National Focal Points and NFP workshops aim to build the capacity of CMS and CMS Family NFPs to engage with stakeholders within their country (see Chapter 3 in Manual) to mainstream migratory species protection and sustainable use into national and international environmental policy.

►   La Resolución 11.24 - Iniciativa sobre Mamíferos de Asia Central incluye:

Objetivo 1 - Abordar las amenazas y problemas claves no (suficientemente) cubiertos en la actualidad por los programas de trabajo y los sectores interesados existentes:

1.1.1) Reforzar la capacidad de los guardas forestales y demás personal relevante para combatir la caza y el comercio ilegal y asegurar la financiación necesaria (recursos humanos, equipamiento, entrenamiento).

►    The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali includes:

Objective 1 - To stabilize argali numbers and range and reverse negative trends:

1.1.2) Strengthen management capacity of trophy hunting concessions and clearly define hunting zones and seasons.

1.1.3) Provide relevant training and equipment for law enforcement officers, PA staff, and others

1.2.9) Training law enforcement staff in implementation of CITES regulations, identification of argali products and techniques for countering illegal trade.

Objective 2 - To maintain and restore intact argali habitat and migration routes:

2.1.5) Provide adequate transport, equipment, and training to protected areas and rangers.

2.5.1) Increase the capacity of protected area and hunting area managers to monitor and sustainably manage argali populations through training. By: Government agencies, scientific institutions, INGOs.

►    The Conservation and Management Plan for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic coast of Africa includes:

Objective 1 - Reduce direct and indirect causes of marine turtle mortality:

1.4) Minimize the effects of artisanal and commercial fisheries on marine turtles.

1.4.2) Develop procedures and training programs to promote implementation of these measures, such as vessel monitoring systems and inspections at sea, in port and at landing sites, and national on-board observer programs with relevant fishery management organisations.

Objective 4 - Increase public awareness to threats facing marine turtles and their habitats, and enhance public participation in conservation activities:

4.1.4) Develop and undertake education and awareness programs for targeted groups (e.g. for the relevant authorities and politicians, students, teachers, fishing communities, beach owners, the media).

Objective 5 - Enhance national, regional and international cooperation:

5.1.7) Train personnel (customs people, the police force, guards, authorities of protected areas, fisheries inspectors, etc.) authorized to monitor illegal trafficking and the enforcement of national legislation for the conservation of marine turtles.

►    The Conservation and Management Plan of the MoU on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA MoU) includes:

Objective 1 - Reduce direct and indirect causes of marine turtle mortality:

1.4.b) Develop procedures and training programmes to promote implementation of these measures [reduce mortality of turtles], such as vessel monitoring systems and inspections at sea, in port and at landing sites, and national on-board observer programmes.

►    Medium Term International Work Programme supporting the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation Measures for the West African Populations of the African Elephant includes:

Objective 5 - Implementation of CITES:

5.3) Strengthen capacities of individuals and institutions involved in controlling the trade in ivory.

Objective 6 - Illegal killing of elephants contained:

6.2) Strengthen capacities of individuals and institutions involved in the fight against poaching.

►    The Central Asian Flyways Action Plan for the conservation of migratory water birds and their habitats (CAF) includes:

Objective 4 - Management of Human activities:

4.1.9) Range States shall promote the education and training of hunters for the conservation and sustainable use of waterbirds, including through hunting associations and shall endeavour to make mandatory hunter proficiency tests as a condition for the issue of hunting licences. The proficiency test for hunters should include, among other things, waterbird identification including of target and non-target species.