Meta 15: Se habrán mejorado la base científica, la información, la sensibilización, la comprensión y las tecnologías relativas a las especies migratorias y sus hábitats, su valor y funcionamiento, su estado y tendencias y las consecuencias de su pérdida, y tales mejoras se habrán compartido, transferido y aplicado ampliamente.


Vea la Hoja Informativa del Indicador separado.


►    The Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale And Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017  includes:

Theme 3 - Threat Reduction:


•  Improved catch reporting systems.

• System of collecting data from fishing operators on by-catch and depredation developed and used.

• Properly tested depredation/mitigation techniques.

• Increased adoption of mitigation techniques by fisheries.

►    The MoU concerning the conservation of the Manatee and small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia: Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia (WAAM) includes:

Theme 5 - Research and Monitoring:


• Relevant overviews compiled and maintained.

• Standardised data collection form.

• Mechanism for reporting and recording of opportunistic data.

• List of priority topics and areas for research agreed.

• Species guides developed or adapted and disseminated.

• Regular contact, e.g. by means of an email discussion group, among scientists and agencies involved in small cetacean conservation and other relevant issues.

• Non-lethal research on abundance etc. carried out concerning small cetacean species targeted in subsistence hunting and live capture.

• Relevant cetacean datasets identified, national databases established and metadata accessible.

• Online regional sighting database established and operational.

• Knowledge of distribution and species inventories for Range States improved in quality and by addition of further species.

• Number of cruises to estimate abundance of small cetacean species completed.

• Species information and ID kit assembled and distributed.

• Incorporation of small cetacean expertise to conduct sightings and research activities in cruises dedicated to other purposes (e.g. rapid ecological assessments).

• Increased reporting level for small cetaceans from opportunistic sightings.

• At least one remote sensing device deployed in the region for at least six months.

• Consistent and regular information on by-catch received from fisheries observers.

• Information stored, processed and made available for managers and researchers.

• Activities with high impacts identified.

• Stranding database and network established and operational.

• Stranding manual produced in common and local languages and distributed.

• Tissue archive and protocols for deposition and access established.

• Kits for genetic sampling distributed and used.

• Improved information available on stranding events in all western African countries.

• Regional expertise in and laboratories for toxicological and pathological analysis identified.

• Areas in the region where toxicological and pathological analysis would be a high priority identified.

• Document or presentation on the effects of climate change on small cetaceans provided to Range States.

• Document or presentation on the effects of IAS on small cetaceans provided to Range States.

•  System in place and operational to collect anecdotal opportunistic data and to be able to respond if one becomes a significant threat at local, national or regional level.

►    La Plan de accion para conservación de especies de aves migratorias, adoptado en el Memorandum de Entendimiento sobre la conservación de especies de aves migratorias de pastizales sure de sudamerica y de sus habitats incluye: 

Objetivo 6 - Fortalecer la cooperación internacional entre los países partes del Memorando de Entendimiento:


• Sistema interactivo en funcionamiento.

• Talleres de discusión implementados.