Meta 1: Las personas tendrán conciencia de los múltiples valores de las especies migratorias, sus hábitats, y los sistemas migratorios y de los pasos que pueden dar para su conservación y asegurar la utilización sostenible.


►    COP Resolición 11.8 - Plan de comunicación, información y difusión and Plan de Comunicación, Información y Difusión 2015 - 2017 outlines the top-priority activities designed to enhance the strategic focus and overall CMS and CMS family communications over the course of the 2015-2017 triennium.


The CMS Communication Strategy (under development) will be designed explicitly to support the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species. Under this Strategy the communication work of the CMS Family as a whole will continue to contribute directly to the achievement of Target 1, and to outreach in respect of all the other targets. The communication strategy will be accessible on the CMS website along with a suite of communication materials, such as template PowerPoint presentations, fact sheets and posters which NFPs can adapt and use to promote the Convention and the wider CMS Family in their national contexts.


The platform for communication of the CMS Capacity Building Unit is workshops in different regions. Capacity building outreach activities also engage with the broad public to raise awareness on migratory species. Events are planned e.g. at schools in the framework of the yearly World Environment Day.


The Capacity-Building Unit also prepares documents outlining the benefits of CMS to be distributed to Non-Parties with the aim to recruit them. Two manuals produced by the Capacity Building Unit that provide guidelines for National Focal Points to implement the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species), contain relevant elements to support Target 1.


►    Manual para los puntos focales nacionales de la CMS y sus instrumentos

►    Directrices para la integración de las especies migratorias en las EPANB y otros resultados de la COP10 del CDB


The following CMS instruments provide elements in support of implementing Target 1 which can guide Parties to those instruments to developing awareness raising strategies.


Impacto Antropogénicas


►    La CMS Resolución 11.30 – Gestión de Desechos Marinos incluye:

Objetivo 3 - Campañas educativas y de concienciación para el público:

18) Alienta firmemente a las Partes a que tengan en cuenta los ejemplos de campañas exitosas que se proporcionan en UNEP/CMS/ScC18/10.4.3 al considerar campañas para hacer frente a las necesidades más urgentes en su área de jurisdicción, y a que apoyen o desarrollen iniciativas nacionales o regionales que respondan a estas necesidades;

19) Recomienda que las Partes planifiquen la implementación de medidas reglamentarias o instrumentos económicos con el fin de reducir la cantidad de residuos que entran en el medio ambiente, y acompañarlo con campañas de cambio de comportamiento, ayudando a introducirlas comunicando la justificación de la introducción de la medida, y aumentando por lo tanto la probabilidad de apoyo;

20) Alienta a las Partes y a la Secretaría a cooperar con las organizaciones que actualmente están haciendo campaña sobre los desechos marinos, y tratar de involucrar a las organizaciones que se ocupan de las especies migratorias para promover campañas y crear conciencia sobre los desechos marinos entre sus miembros;

21) Alienta además a las Partes, la Secretaría y las partes interesadas a desarrollar campañas de desechos marinos de especial importancia para las especies migratorias;

22) Invita a las entidades industriales a promover medidas de prevención de residuos en sus industrias; y

23) Hace un llamamiento a las organizaciones responsables de campañas para estudiar el alcance de las campañas, el reconocimiento de mensajes y el impacto en el comportamiento objetivo o en los niveles de desechos marinos con el fin de evaluar el éxito de una campaña y compartir fácilmente la información para facilitar la eficacia de futuras campañas.

Details supporting the recommendations in the above-mentioned Resolution 11.30 (2014) on Management of Marine Debris and providing guidance on ways to implement them can be found in UNEP/CMS/COP11/ Inf.29 Report III: Marine Debris: Public Awareness and Education Campaigns

►    La Resolución 11.26 - Programa de trabajo sobre el cambio climático y las especies migratorias incluye:

Intercambio de conocimientos y creación de capacidad:

· Incrementar la sensibilización acerca de los efectos del cambio climático sobre las especies migratorias.


Especies Acuáticas


►     The Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 1 - Information, Awareness/Education and Communication:

Objective 2 - Increase awareness and understanding of whales and dolphins in the region:

1.5) Implement educational and awareness tools in schools and/or communities using relevant networks and methods.

1.6) Provide materials and information to mass media in-country to inform public.

1.7) Disseminate educational materials targeted at recreational / private boaters to ensure minimum impact”.

Theme 6 - Cultural Significance and Value:

6.1) Document the range of cultural practices, values and knowledge associated with whales and dolphins and encourage a more cohesive approach in policies and legislation.

►     The Conservation and Management Plan of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU):

Objective 1 - Reduce direct and indirect causes of marine turtle mortality:

1.5) Prohibit the direct harvest (capture or killing) of, and domestic trade in, marine turtles, their eggs, parts or products, whilst allowing exceptions for traditional harvest by communities within each jurisdiction provided that: such harvest does not undermine efforts to protect, conserve and recover marine turtle populations and their habitats; and the marine turtle populations in question are able to sustain the harvest.

Objective 4 - Increase public awareness of the threats to marine turtles and their habitats, and enhance public participation in conservation activities:

4.1) Establish public education, awareness and information programmes.

►     The Memorandum of Understanding concerning conservation measures for marine turtles of the Atlantic coast of Africa: Conservation and Management Plan for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic coast of Africa includes:

Objective 4 - Increase public awareness to threats facing marine turtles and their habitats, and enhance public participation in conservation activities:

4.1) Establish public education programs for awareness and information exchange:

4.1.2) Set up information centers for villages, small museums for schools and tourists;

4.1.3) Develop and implement rigorous media programs;

4.1.4_ Develop and undertake education and awareness programs for targeted groups (e.g. for the relevant authorities and politicians, students, teachers, fishing communities, beach owners, the media);

4.1.5) Encourage the integration of biodiversity themes, especially marine turtle biology and conservation, into school curriculum;

4.1.6) Organize special events on the conservation of marine turtles and their habitats (e.g., day of the turtle, festival or year of the turtle, publicized releases of accidentally captured turtles, etc.); and

4.1.8) Provide information at airports and through travel agencies, about national and international restrictions on the sale, purchase, export and import of marine turtle products.

►     The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugon dugong) and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MoU) includes:

Objective 5 – Raise awareness of dugong conservation:

5.1) Establish education, awareness and information programmes.

5.2) Consult with local communities to encourage their active participation in conservation efforts.

Objective 6 – Enhance national, regional and international cooperation:

6.2) Develop and implement mechanisms for effective exchange of information.

6.4) Develop and implement a regional database of relevant information in relation to dugong conservation and management.

The website: which aims to promote dugong and seagrass conservation globally, has been developed with Global Environment Facilities funding by the Dugong MOU Secretariat for the GEF Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project.

►     The Memorandum of Understanding concerning the conservation of the Manatee and small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia: Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia includes:

Objective 7 - Education and Awareness:

7.1) Develop communication strategies, education programmes and protocols for key issues within the Small Cetacean Action Plan.

7.2) Increase awareness, sensitivity and understanding of small cetaceans in the western African region.

7.3) Promote awareness of the value of traditional knowledge and practices in the management of small cetaceans.

►     The ASCOBANS Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) Plan (Annex 10 of AC17 Report) includes:

Objective 2 - Coordination between Secretariat and hosts of MOP/AC to promote ASCOBANS activities:

1.2.2) IDBHP (International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise): maximise involvement & target group Publicise AC & MoP in national media.

1.4.2) Countries attending relevant meetings should look for opportunities to promote ASCOBANS and also opportunities for joint outreach. Suitable material for distribution should be provided to any person who can represent or publicise ASCBANS activities at such meetings.

Objective 5 - Enhance visibility of CMS family:

5.9.1) Promote cooperation with ministerial press departments to distribute joint press releases.

5.9.2) Focal point to translate press releases into national languages and pass them to national media.

5.9.3) Improve visibility of CMS and Agreements at a national level.

5.9.4) Provide the Secretariat with relevant articles issued in the national press.

►     The ASCOBANS Recovery Plan for Baltic Harbour Porpoises includes:

Objective 15 - Develop a comprehensive public awareness campaign, based on the elements outlined below:

1) While acknowledging national programmes in raising public awareness, ASCOBANS should develop and promote a regional approach to Baltic harbour porpoise conservation.

2) Explicit efforts should be made to enlist the help of the general public and people related to the sea in obtaining reports of porpoise observations throughout the Baltic. This can be expected to improve understanding of porpoise distribution and relative abundance, while at the same time enhancing public support for recovery efforts. However, it is important that opportunistic reports by untrained observers be interpreted cautiously, and that the need for documentary evidence (e.g. photographs, tissue samples in the case of strandings) be stressed when soliciting such reports.

3) The ASCOBANS Secretariat should establish direct communications links with Baltic fishermen and seek their assistance in determining how to reach fishing communities more effectively, e.g. via newsletters, tabloids, displays at fishing exhibitions, etc.

4) The Baltic Range States should establish national focal points, with responsibility for coordinating public awareness efforts. These focal points would be responsible for establishing and maintaining working relationships with fishing communities and other target groups.

5) Parties are requested to provide assistance to maintain an interactive Baltic harbour porpoise website for the storage of GIS-based porpoise observation data. This web page should incorporate other existing possibilities to report sightings of harbour porpoises. The page should be designed for use throughout the Baltic region. This website may provide further opportunities for collaboration with relevant bodies such as HELCOM.

Note: a revised version of the Recovery Plan is under preparation and will be presented for adoption at ASCOBANS MOP8 in August 2016.

►    El Memorando de Entendimiento sobre la conservación de los tiburones migratorios - Anexo 3: Plan de Conservación incluye:

Objectivo 4 - Aumentar la concienciación pública de las amenazas a los tiburones y sus hábitats, y mejorar la participación pública en las actividades de conservación:

12.1) Aumentar el conocimiento de los servicios ecosistémicos ofrecidos por los tiburones y el conocimiento sobre tiburones en su medio ambiente marino.

12.2) Aumentar la concienciación pública de las amenazas a los tiburones y sus hábitats.

12.3) Aumentar la concienciación pública del presente MdE y sus objetivos.


Especies Aviar


The most significant campaign to raise awareness on migratory birds is World Migratory Bird Day, which is run on a yearly basis and each year selects a different topic to focus on.

►    CMS Resolución 11.9 (2014) as well as ► AEWA Resolution 5.5 (2012) address this and seeks to develop a variety of activities to support awareness raising campaigns. Specifically, Resolution 11.9 invites Parties, the CMS and AEWA Secretariats, the United Nations Environment Programme and other global, regional and sub-regional organizations, as well as other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, non-governmental organizations and individuals, to celebrate and raise awareness of World Migratory Bird Day to be held in May or at other appropriate times of the year.

►    El Plan de Acción para las aves terrestres migratorias de África y Eurasia (AEMLAP) incluye:

Objetivo 2 - Sacar de su ambiente natural el comercio:

39) Promover la experiencia pública de la maravilla de la migración y de las especies de aves terrestres migratorias mediante la sensibilización y el suministro de información.

Objetivo 4 - Investigación y Monitoreo:

62) Apoyar y fomentar la participación pública en los “Amigos del Plan de Acción de Aves Terrestres” (FLAP), una iniciativa que va a utilizar las redes sociales en línea para proporcionar un foro para todos los interesados y que se preocupan por las especies de aves terrestres migratorias a fin de que puedan seguir, apoyar y contribuir al trabajo del grupo de trabajo de AEML.

Under the African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP)a tool has been created to promote the action plan and raise awareness, known as the Friends of the Landbirds Action Plan (FLAP).

►     The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptors MoU) includes:

Objective 8 - General Conservation Measures:

8. 8) Develop and maintain programmes to raise awareness and understanding of conservation issues relating to birds of prey and their habitat as well as of the objectives and provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding”.

►     The Great Bustard Action Plan annexed to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of the Middle-European Population of the Great Bustard includes:

Objective 8 - Increasing awareness of the need to protect Great Bustards and their habitat:

8.3) The public should be informed about the problems of the Great Bustard, the need for its protection and the conservation measures being undertaken. The media as well as the political decision makers and local and regional authorities should be addressed regularly to raise the profile of the Great Bustard as an outstanding feature of European plains and as an invaluable asset to the European natural heritage.

►    La Plan de accion para conservación de especies de aves migratorias, adopted within the Memorandum de Entendimiento sobre la conservación de especies de aves migratorias de pastizales sure de sudamerica y de sus habitats:

Objetivo 3 - Generar conciencia sobre la importancia de los pastizales naturales y las especies amenazadas:

7.1) Desarrollar un logotipo que identifique el MdE y sus objetivos.

7.2) Desarrollar campañas educativas para desalentar el comercio ilegal de las especies.

7.3) Promover campañas de divulgación y valoración de las especies y sus ambientes.

7.4) Desarrollar, elaborar materiales de divulgación sobre las especies y sus ambientes.

7.5) Promover la organización de simposios sobre aves de pastizales en las reuniones nacionales / internacionales de ornitología; en reuniones de conservación y en los encuentros del sector agropecuario.

►     The Central Asian Flyways Action Plan for the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats includes: 

Objective 4 - Management of Human Activities:

4.6.5) Range States shall:

· Develop education and awareness activities preferably in local languages, in order to improve the level of awareness of the general public with regard to the value of wetlands and other habitats and the needs of waterbirds by:

· E-produce CAF posters and leaflets.

· Organize outdoor excursions.

· E-sign multi-lingual websites, TV and radio programmes, and others.

These activities should be firstly targeted to people living in and around important wetlands, to users of these wetlands (farmers, hunters, fishermen, tourists, etc.), to local authorities, to community leaders and other decision-makers. Support and guidance should be sought from national and international organizations to maximize efforts.


Especies Terrestres


►     The Programme of Work of the Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI POW) includes:

Objective 1 - To address key threats and issues currently not (sufficiently) covered by existing work programmes and stakeholders:

1.2.4) Develop and promote awareness and educational programmes on wildlife protection among herding communities.

1.3.2) Increase public-awareness on barriers to migration, specifically:

1.3.2.a) Raise awareness of the broad public on benefits from migratory species,

1.3.2.b) Raise awareness of the broad public on impacts of barriers on migratory species and possible solutions, and

1.3.2.c) Conduct information campaigns targeted at decision makers in government, sector and technical agencies.

1.7.4) Increase awareness, specifically to:

1.7.4.c) Promote the benefits of transboundary cooperation among governments and stakeholders, and

1.7.4.b) Provide positive examples for successful cooperation and share lessons learned.

Objective 4 - To support implementation, coordination and resourcing of the CAMI:

4.2.11) Initiate systematic awareness raising among private companies (Corporate Social Responsibility funds).

4.3.1) Raise awareness and understanding about the importance of the Central Asian region for migratory mammals at all levels through all means.

In addition, developing guidelines on how to address these issues for decision makers is foreseen under several objectives on CAMI POW. The benefit of sustainable use of the habitat of migratory species is specifically addressed under the objectives to ensure sustainable grazing practices by livestock, which would ensure continued ecosystem services of pasture use (Objective 1.2. overgrazing and livestock competition).

►     The Medium-Term International Work Programme (MTIWP) for the Saiga Antelope (2016-2020), includes:

Objective 5 - Awareness:

5.1) Continue an objective high-profile mass-media campaign at regional, national and local levels in both Range States and consumer countries, addressing saiga conservation, restoration and sustainable use, and explaining the relevant challenges, with a particular focus on local media outlets.

5.2) Continue to widely distribute information and educational materials on saiga biology and conservation aimed at local people, school children and decision-makers.

5.3) Support and regularly update existing web-sites about saiga conservation, restoration and sustainable use, including the creation and maintenance of the official CMS Saiga MOU website, and support of the online Saiga Resource Centre.

5.4) Expand the distribution and profile of Saiga News, both in hard copy at a local level and through other media, nationally and internationally.

Objective 4 - Work with local people to:

4.1) Expand current incentive-based and conservation-linked livelihood-improvement projects and develop new programmes;

4.4) Promote sustainable rangeland use to enable the cohabitation of people, livestock and saigas; and

4.6) Promote photo-tourism.

►     The Action Plan concerning Conservation and Restoration of the Bukhara Deer includes:

Theme 2 - Reduce mortality:

Objective 4 - Increase public awareness:

4.1) Involvement of mass-media (regional, state, local level) in the problem of BD restoration.

4.2) Practical works of regional specialists with local people: lecture, excursions, involvement of local communities in practical works on BD restoration.

►     The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali includes:

Objective 1 - To stabilize argali numbers and range and reverse negative trends:

1.2.11) Discuss among all stakeholders the possibility of sustainable use of argali in countries where trophy hunting does not exist at present.

Objective 3 - To fill knowledge and information gaps:

3.1.8) Organize training, workshops and joint monitoring missions for management staff and scientists as well as local people.

►     Medium Term International Work Programme supporting the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation Measures for the West African Populations of the African Elephant (West African Elephant MoU MTIWP) currently being revised, includes the objective to organize information, education and communication campaigns, involving local communities.

Note: The CITES African Elephant Action Plan is the current leading effort towards the conservation of African elephants. A resolution to adopt it into CMS will be submitted to COP 12.

►     The Sahelo-Saharan Megafauna Action Plan includes:

Theme 2 - Reduce mortality:

Objective 1 - Increase public awareness:

2.1.1) Conduct education programmes for local communities to increase consciousness and appreciation of heritage, and integrate those communities into conservation projects from the start.

2.1.2) Provide documentation destined for tour operators to limit irresponsible hunting, killing or harassment.

2.1.3) Provide information to diplomatic services to help them counsel cooperants to curb poaching and other disturbances.

2.1.4) Locate companies that employ cooperants susceptible of presenting a considerable threat and enlist their assistance in curbing detrimental activities.

Websites for the Central Asian Mammals InitiativeSaiga MOUSaiga Resource Centre serve as additional awareness raising tools by providing general information on the species and the ecological importance of migrations.