CMS Family Online Reporting System Sailing in Ramsar Waters!

11 July 2012
- On Monday, 9 July the CMS Family
Online Reporting System (ORS) was show-cased during an event
organized by the UNEP/CMS and UNEP/AEWA Secretariats in
collaboration with UNEP-WCMC in the margins of the 11th
Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention
in Bucharest, Romania.

This event marked an important step on
the long journey towards enhancing synergies and harmonization
in national reporting among biodiversity-related MEAs.

The CMS Family ORS, which was developed
by UNEP-WCMC in close collaboration and under the guidance
of the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat, provides a concrete example
and proposal for streamlining of national reporting under
the various MEAs and ultimately harmonization of their reporting
processes. Given the participation in the event by countries'
as well as organizations’ representatives and the
interest that these expressed, it seems that we are now
all sailing before the wind!


1. The CMS Online Reporting System - AEWA's
pioneering experience (Sergey Dereliev)

2. Functionalities of the Online Reporting
System (Peter Herkenrath)

3. The CMS Family Online Reporting System
- quo vadis? (Sergey Dereliev)

4. The Online Reporting System: linking
with other reporting processes (Peter Herkenrath)


Photo courtesy of IISD/Earth Negotiations



Last updated on 16 June 2014