South Africa Signs Sharks MOU

Minister Bomo Edith Edna Molewa with Bert LentenNew
York, 12 May 2011
- Today a signing ceremony regarding
the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory
Sharks took place at the Permanent Mission of South Africa
to the UN in New York.

In a short introduction, Mr. Bert Lenten,
Officer in Charge of CMS, highlighted the role sharks play
as top predators in the marine environment. Their unsustainable
use will have a detrimental effect on the whole ecosystem.
In response to this, the South African Minister of Water
and Environmental Affairs, Ms Bomo Edith Edna Molewa, expressed
the strong commitment of her country to conserve these species.
She also highlighted the economic revenues South Africa
and in particular local communities gain through eco-tourism
involving sharks. More and more people would like to 'dive
with the sharks' and see these magnificent species at close
range. South Africa is the 16th country to sign this MoU.



Last updated on 16 June 2014