Fisheries and hunting have no significant direct or indirect adverse impacts on migratory species, their habitats or their migration routes, and impacts of fisheries and hunting are within safe ecological limits.


Note: Achievement of this target will require that migratory species are managed and harvested sustainably, legally and through the use of ecosystem-based approaches. Overexploitation of migratory species must be avoided, and recovery plans and measures should be in place for all depleted species. Where there is uncertainty about what constitutes a “safe ecological limit” in a given case, a precautionary approach should be taken.


Expected result

For this target to be achieved, not only should fisheries and hunting be undertaken in ways which are designed to be sympathetic to migratory species, but the species themselves (and their habitats and migration routes) should be demonstrably unaffected to any significant adverse extent, either directly or indirectly.  Determining the achievement of the target therefore requires information on the ecological outcome, not just on the activities that may affect it.  Moreoverthis outcome must be attributable (at least in some degree) to the practice of safe hunting and fisheries.

This is a crucial question but challenging to measure.  The ability to measure it would require information (in a given context, eg national, regional, global) on:

  •  The presence or absence of adverse impacts on migratory species due directly to fisheries or hunting.
  •  The presence or absence of adverse impacts on migratory species due indirectly to fisheries or hunting.
  •  The presence or absence of adverse impacts on migratory species habitats due directly to fisheries or hunting.
  •  The presence or absence of adverse impacts on migratory species habitats due indirectly to fisheries or hunting.
  •  The presence or absence of adverse impacts on migratory routes due directly to fisheries or hunting.
  •  The presence or absence of adverse impacts on migratory routes due indirectly to fisheries or hunting.
  • Safe ecological limits for the impacts of fisheries and hunting.

As with Target 5, the outcome sought by Target 6may not need to involve a change, if impacts are within safe limits and are negligibly adverse at the outset.  If impacts are not within safe limits and adverse impacts are significant, then this would be expected to change.  In any case, demonstrating either a change or the maintenance of the status quo requires the information referred to above.

B - The delivery framework


G - Reporting on and review of progress at national level and by governing bodies such as the CMS COP