Target 3: National, regional and international governance arrangements and agreements affecting migratory species and their migration systems have improved significantly, making relevant policy, legislative and implementation processes more coherent, accountable, transparent, participatory, equitable and inclusive.


Relevant questions in the existing CMS National Report format


I(a). General Information:

Involvement of other government departments/NGOs/private sector:

3. Has a national liaison system or committee been established in your country?


2. Questions on CMS Agreements:

Questions on the development of new CMS Agreements relating to [Bird] Species [Question repeated for each taxonomic group]:

1. In the current reporting period, has your country initiated the development of any CMS Agreements, including Memoranda of Understanding, to address the needs of Appendix II [Bird] Species? [Relevant also to Target 9]

2. In the current reporting period, has your country participated in the development of any new CMS Agreements, including Memoranda of Understanding, which address the conservation needs of Appendix II [Bird] Species? [Relevant also to Target 9]

4. Is the development of any CMS Agreement for [Bird] Species, including Memoranda of Understanding, planned by your country in the foreseeable future? [Relevant also to Target 9]


3. Listing of migratory species in Appendix II:

IV. National and Regional Priorities:

3. Does the conservation of migratory species currently feature in any other national or regional policies/plans (apart from CMS Agreements)? If yes, please provide details.

3a. Do these policies/plans cover [land use planning]? If yes, please provide details.

4. Results - please describe the positive outcomes of any actions taken.


X. Implementation of COP Resolutions and Recommendations:

Please provide information about measures undertaken by your country relating to recent Resolutions and Recommendations since the last Report. For your convenience please refer to the list of COP Resolutions and Recommendations listed below:

Modus Operandi for Conservation Emergencies (10.2)

Cooperation with Other Bodies and Processes (7.9)

Synergies and Partnerships/Cooperation with other Conventions (8.11/9.11/10.21)

Future strategies of the CMS Family/“Future Shape” (10.9)


►  The CMS COP Resolution 11.16 (Rev. COP12) on The Prevention on Illegal Killing, Taking, and Trade of Migratory Birds includes:

9. Requests the Task Force to encourage monitoring of the trends in illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds using comparable methodologies internationally and to facilitate the exchange of best practice experience in combating these activities, especially between particular trouble spots around the globe, building on the experience gained in the Mediterranean;