Target 16: The mobilization of adequate resources from all sources to implement the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species effectively has increased substantially.


Anthropogenic Impact


►    The COP Resolution 12.21 (Manila 2017) on  Climate Change and Migratory Speciesincludes:

10. Urges Parties and invites relevant international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors to support financially the implementation of the POW including through the provision of financial and other assistance to developing countries for relevant capacity building.


►    The Resolution 11.27 (Rev. COP12) Renewable Energy and Migratory Species includes:

5. Urges Parties and invites UNEP and other relevant international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors as well as representatives of the energy industry to support financially the operations of the Task Force on Reconciling Selected Energy Sector Developments with Migratory Species Conservation (Energy Task Force), including through funding for its coordination and provision of financial assistance to developing countries for relevant capacity building and the implementation of relevant guidance;


Aquatic Species


►    La MoU on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugong dugong) and their Habitats throughout their Range comprend:

Objectif 7 – Promouvoir l’application du MdE

7.3.b) Examiner les différentes options de financement avec les gouvernements et autres donateurs telle que la Banque de développement Asiatique, la Banque Mondiale, PNUD, L’Union Européenne, le PNUE, le FFEM, etc

7.3.c) Solliciter un moyen de financement ainsi que d’autres contributions de la part des industries ayant des effets néfastes sur les dugongs et leurs habitats ( le secteur de la pêche, le tourisme, l’industrie du pétrole, l’immobilier)

►    The Conservation and Management Plan of the MoU on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia includes:

Objective 6 - Promote implementation of the MoU including the Conservation and Management Plan:

6.3.b) Explore funding options with (Governments and other donors such as the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, UNDP, European Union, UNEP, GEF, etc).

6.3.e) Approach the private sector, foundations and NGOs that may have an interest in funding activities in particular countries to catalyse the creation of a small grants fund.

6.3.g) Seek synergies (with respect to fund-raising, provision of institutional support, etc.) with other regional/global convention secretariats.

6.3.h) Solicit funding and other contributions from industries that have impacts on marine turtles and their habitats (e.g. fisheries, tourism, oil industry, real estate).


Avian Species


►    The Siberian Crane MOU Action Plan for the Western/Central Asian Site Network includes:

Objective 6 - Enhance national and international cooperation and information exchange:

3.a) Submit grant applications to support: Hunting strategy.

►    The Action Plan for the conservation of southern South American migratory grassland bird species and their habitats, adopted within the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Southern South American Migratory Grassland Bird Species and their Habitats includes:

Objective 5 - To strengthen institutions involved in the MoU:

10.1) Promoting and implementing projects funding and development to implement the action plan.

Objective 6 - To strengthen international cooperation among the countries party to the MoU:

13.7) Achieve financial support to implement the MoU coordination meetings.


►    The CMS COP Resolution 11.15 (Rev.COP12) adopted the Terms of Reference of the Preventing Poisoning Working Group that include in the remit:

Support implementation of the Preventing Poisoning Guidelines
d) Assist in resource mobilization for priority actions;


►    The CMS COP Resolution 11.09 (2014) on World Migratory Bird Day includes:

4) Requests Parties and other relevant donors to provide voluntary contributions towards the annual organization of World Migratory Bird Day on the local, national and international level.


►  The CMS COP Resolution 11.16 (Rev. COP12) on The Prevention on Illegal Killing, Taking, and Trade of Migratory Birdsincludes:

12. Urges Parties and invites the United Nations Environment Programme and other relevant international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors to support financially the operations of the Task Force to Address Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean, including through funding for its coordination, and subject to the results of monitoring mentioned in paragraph 5, the development of equivalent Task Forces at other trouble spots, including through the provision of financial assistance to developing countries for relevant capacity building;

►    The Programme of Work for the Africa-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (under development) will highlight costed activities in partnership with additional lead organizations.

Terrestrial Species


►    The Programme of Work of theCentral Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI) includes:

Objective 4 - To support implementation, coordination and resourcing of the CAMI:

4.2.1) Promote co-funding to donor initiatives from governments as well as co-funding from donors to government initiatives;

4.2.3) Establish a trust fund, including with funding from mining and hydropower companies.

4.2.6) Conduct an ‘Inventory’ of donors and funding programmes and identify a “champion” for CAMI;

4.2.9) Explore funding options through the Global Environment Fund (GEF) (including Small Grants Programme) projects – joint proposals between several countries should be developed with involvement of GEF implementing agencies (WB, ADB, UNDP) in the processes of project application

4.2.12) Consider organizing charity events to mobilize funding for CAMI.


►    The Action Plan concerning Conservation and Restoration of the Bukhara Deer includes:

Objective 3 - Enhance international co-operation:

3.2.1) Develop comprehensive project proposals, both on country basis and transborder programmes, for submission to appropriate agencies.


►    The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali

Objective 1 - To stabilize argali numbers and range and reverse negative trends:

1.2.3) Ensure that a percentage of hunting revenues is dedicated to argali conservation.



►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.07 (Manila 2012) on the Role of Ecological Networks in the Conservation of Migratory Species, includes:

24. Requests Parties and invites all other Range States, partner organizations, relevant funding agencies and the private sector to provide adequate, predictable and timely financial resources and in-kind support to assist in implementing the recommendations within this Resolution, including those in the Annex;

 25. Encourages Parties to provide financial resources and in-kind support to underpin and strengthen existing ecological network initiatives within the CMS Family of instruments, including the Western/Central Asian Site Network for the Siberian Crane and other Migratory Waterbirds, the Critical Site Network of the African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement, the newly launched CMS/IOSEA Network of Sites of Importance for Marine Turtles and the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Site Network;

 26. Invites the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in making its funding disbursement decisions to give support to activities that will assist in taking forward the areas of work defined in the present Resolution, in particular, to support improved habitat management at the site level through the use of tools and resources developed specifically for the conservation of migratory species in their flyway, migratory path or ecological network context, and to support the sharing of information and experience



The EUROBATS MOP Resolution 8.1 Financial and Administrative Matters (Budget 2019 – 2022) includes:    

9.       Urges all Parties to make voluntary contributions to support requests from countries with economies in transition to participate in and implement the Agreement throughout the four-year period;

10.    Invites Parties, non-party Range States, governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations to make voluntary contributions towards the implementation of the Agreement;


The AEWA MOP Resolution 7.1 Adoption and Implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan and Plan of Action for Africa for The Period Of 2019-2027 includes: 

2. Urges all AEWA Contracting Parties and invites non-Party Range States, other governments and other stakeholders and financial institutions to allocate adequate and timely financial and other resources for the systematic and punctual implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan and the Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027;

4. Calls on the AEWA Contracting Parties to strongly consider allocating additional resources to the AEWA core budget to support the effective coordination and implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan and the Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027;

5. Strongly urges donor countries and organisations to regularly provide funds to the AEWA Small Grants Fund in order to allow for annual disbursement of at least 50,000 Euros to eligible developing countries and countries with economies in transition, in Africa, as well as in Eurasia, to support the implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan 2019-2027, including the Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027;

6. Also calls on donor countries and organizations to provide support towards the implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan and the Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027 through financial and other contributions, meanwhile acknowledging the need to prioritize support to developing countries, countries with economies in transition and Small Island Developing States for the implementation of workplans associated with the AEWA Strategic Plan and/or the Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027;

7. Further calls on donor countries and organizations to consider providing additional Technical Support arrangements, such as the Technical Support Unit provided by the Governments of France and Senegal to the Plan of Action for Africa 2012-2018, to enhance the implementation of the AEWA Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027 in priority areas which have so far received relatively limited support;


The AEWA MOP Resolution 7.7 Strenghtening Monitoring Of Migratory Waterbirds includes:

2. Strongly urges Parties and other donors to regularly contribute to the Waterbird Fund or to other existing international flyway monitoring funding mechanisms;

8.Urges Contracting Parties and organisations to provide financial support for the identification of priorities for the systematic development of waterbird monitoring and for the population and site monitoring related activities identified in the AEWA Strategic Plan 2019-2027 and the Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027;

The AEWA MOP Resolution 7.12 Financial And Administrative Matters includes:

10. Requests Parties to pay their annual contributions promptly as far as possible, but in any case, not later than the end of June of the year in which they relate;

11. Further requests Parties, in particular those that are required to pay the minimum contribution, to consider paying for the whole triennium in one instalment;

16. Urges all Parties to make voluntary contributions to the AEWA Voluntary Trust Fund (AVL) to support requests from least developed countries, developing countries, countries with economies in transition and Small Island Developing States to participate

17. Further urges Contracting Parties and other partners to make an increased effort in providing additional financial or in-kind contributions to secure urgent implementation of the Agreement, in particular implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan 2019-2027 and implementation of the AEWA Plan of Action for Africa2019-2027;