As total funds currently committed to migratory species conservation are insufficient to achieve the full suite of goals and targets expressed in the SPMS, mobilization of additional resources from all sources is required.

Those resources can be financial, human and technical, both domestic and international, and can come from a variety of sources. “In-kind” support from the voluntary efforts of individuals and civil society at large can be expected to make a major contribution to scientific research, surveillance, awareness raising, and other areas of implementation.

The Convention and its instruments have shown over the years to have a limited ability to mobilize resources through their own mechanisms and processes. However, a number of existing decisions and instruments developed within the CMS Family provide for different resourcing mechanisms and opportunities.

Under this functional heading the Companion Volume is expected to include those elements of these mechanisms, of direct relevance to the implementation of the SPMS.

Target 3

Section to be completed soon

Target 7

Section to be completed soon

Target 11

See section T8-E for measures concerning resourcing relevant to this target

Target 12 

No relevant provisions identified in CMS family tools in relation to this target

Target 16

Section to be completed soon