2014/016: Invitation to Complete Two Questionnaires

The Secretariat of the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) invites the support of Parties for a project currently being implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme. The project is concerned with coherence and synergy in implementing the global biodiversity-related conventions, and is funded by the European Union, with additional support for some components from the Swiss Government.

There are two key elements to the project, which Parties should already have heard about one or both of these directly from UNEP.

The first element concerns the identification of opportunities and options for further enhancing cooperation at the global level through secretariats and their hosting bodies, and through the governance and advisory bodies of the biodiversity-related conventions. There has been extensive discussion on possible ways and means for improving environmental governance over the years. In order to ensure that UNEP is able to take account of the views of as many people as possible in taking this discussion forward, it would be appreciated if National Focal Points could complete the questionnaire that can be found at:


UNEP would appreciate responses to this questionnaire by 6 June 2014, in order to prepare an analysis as a basis for discussion at a workshop later in the year.

The second element concerns the identification and sharing of best practice at the national level for achieving increased coherence in the implementation of the biodiversity-related conventions. In order to ensure that UNEP is able to take account of the full breadth of existing experience in implementation of biodiversity-related conventions at the national level, and in particular efforts to implement a range of conventions in a coherent way, it would be appreciated if National Focal Points could also complete the questionnaire that can be found at:


UNEP would appreciate responses to this questionnaire by 9 May 2014, if possible, to allow initial analysis of the responses so that they can be discussed in the margins of the fifth meeting of the Working Group on the Review of Implementation.

Should you have any questions concerning the questionnaires or the project, please contact Margaret Oduk at UNEP ([email protected]) directly.

Thank you for your continued support of the work of the Convention.

Last updated on 30 April 2014