2016/020: Invitation to the First Meeting of the Working Group on the Development of a Review Process under the Convention on Migratory Species

The 11th Meeting of the Conference of Parties in Quito, Ecuador in 2014 launched an intersessional process to explore possibilities for strengthening implementation of the Convention through the development of a review process (UNEP/CMS/Resolution 11.7).

A report is to be submitted to the 12th Meeting of the Conference of Parties to be held from 22-28 October 2017 in the Philippines. As requested by the COP through the same resolution, the CMS Standing Committee at its 44th Meeting in Bonn, Germany in 2015 established a Working Group and adopted its Terms of Reference (ToRs).

While the Standing Committee decided that the Working Group shall consist of one member of the Standing Committee from each region (or one alternate) in order to ensure a cost-effective process, the Working Group is open to participation by other interested Parties.

Interested Parties are therefore cordially invited to participate in the first meeting of the Working Group scheduled for 19-20 September 2016 in Bonn, Germany. Further information about the meeting, including the provisional agenda, can be found under the dedicated webpage for this meeting.

The Working Group will operate in English only.

The Regions have nominated the following Parties as members of the Working Group:  Africa (Uganda), Asia (Mongolia), Europe (France), South & Central America & the Caribbean (Argentina) and Oceania (Australia).

For further clarifications, please contact us at [email protected].

Last updated on 19 August 2016