2015/023: Questionnaire on Funding Needs for the Implementation of CMS and its Instruments for the 7th Replenishment Period (July 2018-June 2022) of the Trust Fund of the Global Environment Facility

The CMS Secretariat is pleased to provide the questionnaire on funding needs for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Protocols for the seventh replenishment period of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) which the CBD Secretariat has circulated to its Parties.

Following the provisions of Resolution 11.10, the CMS Secretariat invites CMS National Focal Points to liaise with their CBD counterparts to ensure that funding of the national priorities for CMS and its instruments are adequately reflected in their response to the CBD questionnaire.

Furthermore, CMS Parties are requested to inform the CMS Secretariat of such priorities at [email protected] as soon as possible but no later than 5 October 2015.

These priorities will be compiled and presented to the CMS Standing Committee at its forthcoming meeting (14-15 October) for its consideration and for a discussion on their further prioritization. The elements of advice concerning the funding of CMS priorities as endorsed by the Standing Committee will be subsequently referred to the GEF through the CBD COP13 in 2016.

It is recommended that CMS priorities contribute to the attainment of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Targets set out in the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species. Mapping of both sets of targets can be found at:


Last updated on 17 September 2015